Horrible Experiences Bond You For Life- Part One

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This is a crack fic. Posting half of it cuz my brain needs to. Will post the rest of it soon.


Sourav cracked his neck, letting the hot water do its work in relaxing the knots in his muscles. He didn't know how long he remained in the jacuzzi, the soft fumes washing over him as he let all the tension uncoil and disappear in the steam of the room. The anger and the hurt was slowly and firmly getting replaced with a heady determination as he took his own sweet time, mindful of  living upto his rather unoriginal nickname of the Prince of Kolkata. Unoriginal because everyone back home anyway called him Maharaj. Prince was a ripoff in comparison. He knew Maharaj atleast was said with fondness, prince was something they said with a degree of condescension to mock his background which according to them was the reason he was in the team. He decided if he was such a princeling, might as well live upto it. 

Recently there had been a nauseating increase of those; nasty rumors and gossips in circles that somehow always reached his ears, as if he was meant to hear the vitriol. This time it just happened to be the circle of "friends" he had actually liked. He was used to people commenting about apparent favoritism from Jagmohan Dalmiya getting him a place. He was used to having to time and again prove his worth but he would be lying if he said it hadn't hurt just a bit to hear those snide remarks from people who pretended to be so nice to his face. Well, unluckily for all of them, Sourav was a petty asshole and would definitely stoop to any level to keep his head up high and this was just letting himself be the snooty rich brat that everyone anyway stubbornly painted him to be. If Prince is what everyone wanted to call him, a Prince he will certainly be. It was actually pretty nice to own those little titles now that he thought about it; gave him free pass to do obnoxiously pretentious stuff and create his own little myths and rumors for the detractors to hiss and coil at. If you can't stop 'em might as well join 'em right?

First step for all of that though, was definitely to treat himself to some nice relaxing time. So he had used up his daily allowance and some personal funds to get himself a jacuzzi room for the night, fully aware word would reach the manager and then the said "friends". It would also reach Sachin, the only part he regretted, his poor young captain had enough on his plate without having to defend his teammate from the management. They had pretty decent baths in their own rooms but besides Sachin's and Azher's, they weren't jacuzzi rooms. Besides he had an actual senior roommate who undoubtedly wouldn't like some junior upstart taking hours in the bathroom. He was trying to sell that prince act but not a dickhead-with-no-respect act. There was a line of difference.

He stretched before forcing himself out after what must have been an hour atleast. While he definitely could have continued treating himself for another hour or so more, he doubted Sachin was going to be pleased when he found his latest stunt. Captaincy had turned his old friend, into something fiercely uptight. He respected it, captaincy of India that too at 24 was no joke but he figured he should not hang around to find out how the guy was going to blow his gasket this time. As it was, Sourav had been his convenient punch bag twice already, being forced to wake up at the asscrack of dawn for pointless rounds of jogging.

He walked out of the room leisurely after he had cleaned up behind himself (Hey, he was a prince not a slouch) and promptly realized he really did not know what he did to come off as snooty so he had no idea what to do to live upto his adjectives. He scratched his scalp, looking up and down the corridor in serious thought about what spoilt rich people were supposed to do. After much speculation, staring emptily at the corridor, inevitably silent as everyone seemed to be resting up after practice; he decided that the most important part about living upto his princeling reputation was to not give so much of a fuck to nonsense and enjoy himself. It wasn't like he had tried to come off as badly as he had done anyways, just him being himself had to be enough. He definitely did need new friends though. The old ones were ninety percent trash.

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