Incorrect Quotes: Protect MSD at all costs

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Mahi: What's a thot?

Virat: .... It's short for thoughtful person

Mahi: Ohhhh okay

*later during a practice*

Rohit: Here Bhai, have some water, you look tired.

Mahi: Thanks Ro, you are such a thot :)

Rohit *chokes on spit*: What???

Mahi: Thot, you are a good thot. Good job.



Mahi: Boys, if we don't sleep right now, we will hate ourselves in the morning.

Virat: I already hate myself plenty :)

Mahi: ....

Mahi: Okay that is the first thing we will be discussing in the morning but for now please go to sleep



Rohit, managing the team braincell alone for the first time: So how do Virat and Jaddu get out of these messes?

Mahi: They don't. They just create a bigger one to cover up the last.

Rohit: ....

Rohit: How are you sane?

Mahi *with the thousand yard stare*: Ziva nearly lost her father so many times.



Mahi: Hey, fun fact but did you know if you buried a body vertically, ten feet deep and then buried a dead animal on top of it, the police won't be able to find it since the animal is a false positive?

Sourav: That's so disturbing, where is the fun in this fact?

Rahul: Really? That's the disturbing part and not the dead animal?

Sachin: I like how none of you are focussing on the dead body.



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