Incorrect Quotes but this time it is shit they have said or might have said

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Sourav in 1992, depressed and going through a main character moment, being dropped from India team: So, I probably won't see you again... unless by some miracle I make it back *stares at Sachin expecting some life changing advice*

Sachin, clueless, awkward and nineteen: .... So can I have your bat?



Sourav, also clueless, awkward and nineteen: .... sure.




Rahul: *speaks for 20 minutes, unprompted, unprepared on some 40 year old IPL bowler's qualities*

Rahul: *Gives a standing ovation recieving speech at Don Bradman Oration*

Rahul: * Is the most well read and eloquent man ICT has ever seen*

Also Rahul, when asked to name his special/unique qualities: uh... I... I... um *Error 404 Page Not Found*




Virat: WHaT Do YOu meAN wE Are'NT daTinG?????!!!!!

Anushka: whAT dO YOu mEAN WE arE??????!!!!!!




Sakshi: *kisses Mahi's cheek*

Mahi: What is this?

Sakshi: Affection

Mahi: Disgusting


Mahi: Do it again




Rohit: I can't believe you stood me up man, I mean I arranged our date, planned the entire day, made sure we were both free and you didn't even turn up??

Ritika: We had a date?


Rohit: So that's what I forgot.

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