Horrible Experiences Bond You For Life- Part Three

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Listen. I know Sourav is being a meanie right now. But this is genuinely how I see guys talking to their friends XD. They are just endlessly mean to each other and it makes them incredibly fond of each other. But what Sourav doesn't know is that Rahul is that weird kid who takes everything at face value. He will learn quickly and the let Rahul get away with murder soon. Don't worry.

Somebody just linked me a youtube video of Rahul in a passionate argument with Yuvraj and the way I just know it was because Yuvraj said something ridiculous to put Rahul in shik shak shok. Bro believes words out of Yuvraj Singh's mouth, it is not Sourav's fault he takes things so literally all the time.


Sourav just stared at his beautiful Porsche. He had rented it for the entire ODI series. And some little shit had taken off with his wheels. What even was his life? 

Rahul began giggling from his place on the floor.

"Really?" Sourav turned, "You find this funny?"

"It's a car-" he paused to wheeze, "A car without wheels,". Somehow he started laughing harder. Sourav watched him roll around blankly. He was so tired of stoned people.

"I am gonna get us a cab," he said, dragging a hysterical Rahul along. The sooner they got back the better. Atleast then somebody else could deal with the hysteria, he was ready to face whatever he had to to get rid of this responsibility.

The first few took one look at their dirty clothes, smudged faces and passed them immediately. Then there were those who stopped but refused to go that far to the opposide side of the city. Then finally came a cab that stopped reluctantly and the driver gave them a judgemental once over while Sourav rattled off the address.

"I will need the payment upfront," the driver rolled his cigarette to the other side of his mouth and puffed.

Sourav huffed and pulled out his wallet, "How much?" he asked opening his wallet. Only to find it empty. He had blown all the cash he had had. He groaned and stuffed his wallet back.

"Rahul give me your wallet," he turned to his friend who was lying on the pavement  as if it was his house's couch.

"Threw it," Rahul giggled.

Sourav stared.

"You... threw it?"

Rahul nodded enthusiastically.


"Needed to distract the not nice man,".

He knew had found Rahul being stoned extremely funny at first. But he was so done with it, he was mentally promising every deity of every religion he knew to exist that he was never letting this man touch any drink that didn't come out of a mineral water bottle. This was not what he had wanted when he had asked Dravid to loosen up. Infact he was missing the serious version so much right now.

"I need the payment upfront," the driver sneered.

Sourav turned to him pleading, "No, please. We will pay you back a-"

"No. Not negotiable. Get another," the driver drove off not giving Sourav a chance to say anything else.

"I WASN'T DYING TO SIT IN YOUR STUPID CAR EITHER!" Sourav yelled after it. He huffed and turned around to Rahul, "This is all your fault. Who told you to accept drinks from strangers!"

Rahul's maniacal smile turned upside down instantly, "Why are you yelling at me-"

Sourav rushed to him trying to stop the water works before they began again, "Shit don't start crying again! I wasn't yelling-"

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