Hprrible Experiences Bond You For Life- Part Four

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Guys, so my father bought these extra grip pencils for himself for rehabilitation but they looked so dark that I took a few for myself.

My hubris makes me think that just because I have a new cool art supply, I can now art ToT. As if new pencil means somehow the ability to free hand draw faces (I genuinely suck at those)

Anyway, my prideful ass made this

Dhoni after he hit that iconic six

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Dhoni after he hit that iconic six. Always get transfixed by the fire in his eyes, the cold satisfaction. Like his expression screamed: Done. And it felt so powerful.


Sourav knew what was coming, so like a good batsman, he tried to get on top of it, "Look I know you are going to be mad-"

"Going to be?! Going to be?? I ALREADY AM!" if Sachin could, Sourav imagined he would have bitten off his head right then and there. As it was the only danger he had were to his eardrums. He held the reciever a little away from his ear.

"Sach if you yell at me I am hanging up and you can worry over my location in peace,".

It was a gamble, using this much audacity. He had no doubt that Sachin was physically holding himself back from violence, he had earned himself so much more ire in one sentence. But if he let Sachin take charge of this conversation, they would be here for another half hour and seeing how Dravid was on his stomach on dirty concrete doing god knows what much to his dismay, that was just not an option.

"I will kill you," was the predictable threat hissing down the line.

Sourav nodded gamely, "Sure. But first you need to pick us up-"

"What happened to your fancy fucking car that you made a point of rubbing in everyone's faces?"

Sourav sighed at the reminder of his beautiful car, "Some bastard made off with the tires-"

"Oh god!" Sachin's tone went from venomous to really worried in seconds, "Are you okay?"

"Yes?" his eyes tracked to Rahul and he cringed taking back his answer, "No? I don't know-"

"What do you mean you don't know?!" aaaaand his voice went shrill again.

Sourav groaned and rubbed his eyes, "It's a long story Sachin. Just come no? We are near the club, it's called Razzmatazz-"

"We??? Who's we??"

Sourav promptly hung up. If he revealed who 'we' was, there was no way Sachin was not going to scream at him for ten minutes atleast. And that just meant more of waiting. It was an executive decision. Not at all one he took out of fear for himself or Sachin's BP. He walked over to his high companion and nudged him with his foot to get his attention.

Rahul looked up slowly and smiled drunkenly, "Hi,".

"Hi," he deadpanned back before pulling him away from the ground, god knows how many germs he had already devoured by now. Rahul swayed but managed to sit up propped against the telephone booth. Sourav sighed tiredly and plopped down beside him, "Sachin's on his way,".

"Sachin? Why?" Rahul asked. He seemed close to falling asleep, which would actually be great. He had heard stories about stoned people, he didn't want to see how much worse it could get.

"To pick us up,".

"Wow!" Rahul turned towards him with wide eyes, "He is coming to pick us up? Sachin Tendulkar?"

Sourav gave him a weird look, "No need to be so awed, he is going to kill us. I doubt you will be feeling much awe when he makes you run for hours tomorrow,".

"He will?"

"If we get lucky then," Sourav scoffed. Poor Rahul had no idea how deeply in the pit they were.

"Sachin's so nice though," Rahul murmured. His eyes were drooping and his head was lolling back.

Sourav had to look over in disbelief. This man got yelled at every practice session by their captain for batting too much and he thought the guy was nice? Sachin was a good guy but nice was not a word he would use to describe that particular menace in anyway. He was about to express as much but thought better of it. It was insanity after all, to argue with the stoned guy. Instead he just shook his head and leaned back, giving up. Worst part was that it was not all over yet, they were going to have to sneak in, make sure Rahul detoxes before tomorrows practice and hope that it wasn't going to affect both their careers in case someone did find out.

"S'rav?" Rahul murmured. He was half asleep. Sourav wished he was fully asleep.


"Am I going to get kicked out?"

"Why in the world would that happened?" Sourav asked even as he considered the very much possible outcome, a nasty spike of anxiety rising.

"I took drugs, that's illegal,".

"Not willingly!"

"Can't prove it though,".

Sourav stared at his hands, his mouth suddenly going dry. What proof did they have? He knew Rahul had been tricked but would others believe them? They would have to no, everyone knew Rahul Dravid to be the golden boy who did no wrong... but that hadn't stopped people from claiming Rahul too had used his connection to GR Vishwanath to get a place. Fuck. What if Rahul lost his career because Sourav had wanted to get drunk? He couldn't let that happen!

"I won't let them kick you," he said resolutely, holding his friend's hand tightly to reassure him, "I will take the fall if I have to,".

Rahul looked at him with half lidded eyes. At first Sourav thought he was going to drop asleep. But then his lips dramatically turned upside down.

"No, no don't cry! Why!! Please don't!" Sourav panicked, if he had to comfort this guy one more time, he was going to burst into tears himself. This was so beyond his emotional ability.

Rahul sniffed with all his might, trying to hold it in, "I am sorry, I am trying not to! It just happens! You are so nice!".

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are! You just pretend to not be for some weird reason!" Rahul sniffed again mightily and wiped his face with his shoulder, "You are weird,".

He had somehow not burst into tears again, which came as a great relief for Sourav who relaxed and let his head rollback and his eyes close, "I am not weird. You are weird".

"Am not weird,".

Sourav felt a weight on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and side eyed the head which was now using him as a head rest. He was half of the mind to shove Rahul off, his skull was digging into his shoulder blades; but then again, it felt a little assholish to do that to him. He just frowned unhappily and closed his eyes again. Maybe he should reconsider Dravid's candidacy for being his friend, man was bad for his reputation, turning him soft and all that. If his brother were around, he would have never lived this down.

But then, it was too late now. Rahul Dravid thought he was nice. Sure that was no achievement, he suspected Rahul found most of the world nice; but it felt stupidly good. And he was going to die before he let this idiot, naive friend of his down.


I just wrote this ainvayi. It was supposed to be longer and was supposed to be the last part but I am so sleepy and tired despite sleeping most of the day away.

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