Horrible Experiences Bond You For Life- Part Two

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Rahul was cringing hard as he sat in their supposed ride. He was no good with car names and models but even he knew a Porsche when he saw one. A hot red Porsche that is. It was a very nice car but also a very "notice me" kind. Sourav was clearly going all out but this was just attention seeking at this point.

"Do we- Do we really need a car like this to go to a club?"

"Yes. Yes we do,".

"You do know that you aren't helping those princeling rumors with this don't you?"

Sourav gave a satisfied smirk, making Rahul really question his decision again, "Why do you think I am doing all this?"

Rahul stared at him, "You are doing this because you have been listening to naysayers?"


"Why would you do that?"

Sourav turned to him with a wide smile, "Spite,".

Rahul groaned and hid his face in his hand. Really? The first person apart from Anil and Srinath to talk to him casually, had to be this crazy man on a mission. He should have just read that book in his room but Sidhu sir was so fucking creepy, sitting in the corner all the time with his eyes half closed, 'meditating'. And he was really intimidating too with his giant figure and thick  frowning eyebrows, Rahul couldn't help but feel judged whenever the man so much as looked at him. But he didn't know how to get his room switched without offending the man so he said nothing and tried to avoid the hell out of the senior.

Sourav clapped his shoulder, "You really need to live a little Dravid. Look at you with wrinkles at twenty four,".

Rahul touched his forehead absent mindedly, "I do not have wrinkles,".

"Yes you do, as deep as the crevices in say the grand canyon,".

"You are overdoing it,".

"I'm serious. Look at that pit between your eyebrows. You can bury an entire insect in there," Sourav laughed as Rahul touched the space between his nose instinctively, his lips turning down as he seriously checked for the pit.

Rahul looked at him unhappily, "That was mean,".

"I know," Sourav grinned pulling into the parking lot of the club. He had chosen a club a bit far away for a reason. It was a relaxing drive up to the place and a very scenic one too. They could go on a drive on the return journey too if they wanted, meander until they felt like going back. Because Dravid would be driving then and they could take all the time in the world. He looked at the man in question, staring apprehensively at the club's neon signs as if they were going to come and bite him, "Seriously. You should thank me. I am toughening you up for the world, look at you, scared of a club,".

"I'm not scared of the club. I am scared of what you will be doing to me in the club,".

"Oh relax would you? You are my driver back to the hotel, so I'm not giving you any alcohol. No need to worry," Sourav got out of the car and threw the keys to the valet. Really, it was only going to be a drink or two, maybe a drive back home. Rahul was worrying for no reason.

"Wow, thanks mate. Honored to be your personal chauffeur," Rahul grouched, looking suspicious of everything around him, even the parking ticket Sourav shoved in his hands.

Sourav brightened up, "Was that a joke I heard from your mouth? A jibe even? Oh I'm so proud,".

Rahul scowled, "I too can joke,".

"Yes Rahul, I am sure you can," Sourav smiled at him sagely, before leading the way in.

"Don't patronize me! I can!" Rahul huffed as Sourav paid him no mind and went inside. Why did everyone think he couldn't joke? Or smile? Or laugh? They were always so surprised. It was part of the reason why he had agreed to go along with Sourav. He too could be "fun" like the others. The other part of the reason ofcourse was that he couldn't say no to Sourav of all people. Sourav was the cool one out of them, the juniors, the kind of person who slightly awed him. He had always wanted to talk to the guy since that U-15 tour they had gone to. But Sourav always hung out with the more popular people, he was infact always surrounded with people, even friends with Sachin Tendulkar. That entire crowd was so far above him to even aim for, he was too chicken for it, quite simply put. And they were too cool.

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