Incorrect Quotes and it's just the author hating on Steve Waugh

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RD's love for Steve Waugh being his toxic trait, no the author and her sister wont ever get over it.

Steve *asshole Aussie mode on*: First 3, now 6 then out of the team huh Rahul?

Rahul: That's so funny of him. Such a nice sledge :) He is so good at everything



Sourav, fuming from the dressing room when Rahul is denied water in that iconic test of 2001: That pasty white asshole! Who does he think he is???? How dare he deny my bestfriend water??In my own fucking country?? I will fucking suck his blood out!!!

Meanwhile Rahul on the field, feverish, in a daze and five steps away from death: Wow, Steve's so ruthless. He is so amazing. How smart. I mean, I would rather die than retire hurt but whatta move. Whatta king *heart eyes*



Steve: *asking Lee to pepper Rahul with bodyline bouncers*

Rahul *getting hit by said bouncers, bleeding and being retired hurt but is happy Steve came up to see if he is okay*: This is fine :)

Sachin: Bro, he nearly took your ear off

Rahul *bleeding profusely*: It's fine :)



Rahul *in an extremely good mood one fine day in 2003*: :D

Sourav: Who gotchya smiling like that bro *suggestive eyebrows*

Rahul: He asked me to write his foreword :D

Sourav: ... -_-  ... ._. What?

Rahul: My hero XD, I'm writing his foreword. *sighs dreamily* who would have thought?

Sourav: Rahul, he told them to tear you apart once.

Rahul: :D I know, what a captain no?

Sourav: ....

Rahul: :D

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