Salt In My Tea

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Reaction of the ICT to the salt in tea prank:

MSD- the psychopath: Drinks it, in one go, without breaking eye contact with the prankster. Jaddu doesn't sleep for a week after that.

RD- the too nice to point it out guy: Drinks it without complaining so it doesn't hurt the prankster's feelings because he thought it was a genuine mistake. Sachin felt awful for years about it. Never gets pranked again.

Virat- the one who will not swallow defeat: Takes a sip, spots the prankster, runs after him with a mouth full of tea, full intention to shower the guy with it.

Rohit- the one who never realizes it is a prank: Takes a sip, gets incredibly confused. Then gets gaslit into thinking he did it to himself.

Ashwin- the one that took the most time to realize: Drinks half the cup before noticing anything because he was too busy talking. The room is in tears by the time he goes, "Is it just me or is the tea ... fishy?"

Hardik- the 'If I am going down, you are going down with me': Takes a sip, realises. Subtly passes the cup to an unsuspecting KL Rahul.

Kl- the 'I should have seen this coming': Takes a sip. Spits it out. Stares into the empty space, disappointed with himself.

Shubman- the one who giggles himself silly: Takes a sip and begins shaking with silent laughter. It turns into little giggles, which then turns into a choking sort of chortle. It keeps increasing until he is on the floor in tears and people begin wondering if it was only salt in the tea.

Sourav- the enraged one: Immediately slams the cup down as the taste hits. The cup breaks. The tea spills. He yells. No one messes with his tea. Locks the entire team in a room and conducts a CBI level of investigation until the culprit is found and then he yells some more. He never gets over it.

Anil- the one on whom it back fires: Takes a sip. Smiles. Forces the prankster to drink it under the threat of death or worse.

VVS and Jassi: No one pranks them. They are far too soft for anyone to target.

Sachin and Jaddu: Are the ones pranking.




 I am very stressed and very much should not be here but you know... my streak got broken and now my fingers are itching. Hopefully, this is the last time you see me before July 7.

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