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It was a nice day at Williams Middle school for the 6th graders, everybody was having fun all the boys were playing with the girls, chasing them.

But only one girl sat alone, Jane Milton. She is a very shy girl and doesn't have any friends but billy. Which was her teddy bear but she always got bullied.

" Look at her she's ugly, She doesn't have any friends" a mean girl shouted at her as she sat under a shady tree, she was afraid to say anything she was just a soft girl, she could feel her tears fall down her cheek causing the other girls to laugh at her. Suddenly this boy comes and stands up for her.

"Come on knock it off, leave her alone! or you'll have to deal with me" the boy shouted causing the girls to run away. Jane didn't even bother looking up until he spoke again "Well?", she looked up and saw Elvis Who's 12 and she's 11 his warm blue eyes made her blush alittle.

" Hi, I'm Elvis presley Whats your name?" he said to her in a soft caring voice. " M-my name is Jane Milton" she said more in a whisper. He sat beside her and held out his hand to her, she looked at him confused until he winked at her saying its okay. She took his hand and giggled. Elvis was already inlove with her, just one smile made him want her even more.

" Who's that?" Elvis said pointing to her teddy bear, she smiled brightly her braces showing which made elvis smile. " This is Billy he's my friend, he makes me feel safe" she said, Elvis became jealous so he had to do something. " Well ill be your best friend, And ill protect you from danger so you don't need billy you can have a real friend me" he said in a assuring voice and smiled innocently.

Jane giggled and said " Okay you can be my most bestest friend in the world and billy can be my friend also" elvis was burning with rage, he took her teddy bear and threw it. Jane stared at him saddness in her eyes, elvis then smiled and hugged her.

" Its okay its just a teddy bear it can't protect you only I can, I'm the only friend you can have" she just nodded not knowing what he was talking about.

Elvis really didn't care about the teddy bear he just wanted jane all to himself, he felt as if hes the only one who can touch and be with Jane nobody else, she was his and he wasn't gonna let her go she will always be his and only his.


Jane was now 13 years old, she starting to be more confident because of Elvis he helped her not be afraid of people or bullies, she looked at him like her brother she knew he would always be her best friend no matter what even though hes older then her hes 14 now and she had been noticing that his voice got deeper and how his apperence is changing.

"Cupcake, where are you?" Elvis shouted walking up her stairs, elvis was always invited into her home by her father he adored elvis he was a saint and he trusted him. " In here?" She yelled back, she continued fixing her hair and cleaning her braces. Suddenly she felt arms wrap around her waist, it was elvis.

"You look very pretty today cupcake anything special you are celebrating?" He said as he looked at her through the mirror, she then smiled and said in her girly voice " well today is the day I am going to make somefriends since its been awhile-" he cut her off " What for? You don't need any friends you have me aren't I good enough?" He said trying to tame his anger, she then frowned a bit and said" you are elvis, Your my favorite and my most bestest friend" she didn't wanna upset him.

" what have I told you cupcake you don't need any friends, they won't protect you only I can protect you okay" he said and smiled at her, she blushed a little " Okay, but we better get to school" she said walking down stairs as elvis held her hand not wanting to lose her. He thought to himself, he need to keep people away from whats his, and he had the right idea anybody who trys to talk to her or play with her he will get his boys to beat them up that way he would look like a saint.

So elvis and Jane attened all there classes but jane wasn't happy because everytime somebody talks to her Elvis always got angry, she felt like he was being to possesive and controlling but she didn't pay no mind she just figure he was just being a big brother.

So it was lunchtime, jane sat at her and Elvis table. Elvis said she couldn't sit with the other students because they were taking about her. So she only sat with him, as elvis was getting his food and Jane's food, a boy started talking to Jane. " uh.. Hi I'm Tyler is anyone sitting her" he asked her she said no even though it was elvis seat she was just so happy that she could make a friend.

Tyler and her started talking and playing and laughing. Elvis saw them and his eyes were filled with anger and rage, he was gonna kill whoever this kid was. He walked over to the table and slammed his plate and hers on the table causing Jane to jump alittle. Jane stopped laughing and looked up to see Elvis glaring at Tyler, she was scared and afraid.

" Why are you sitting with my girl?, she is my girl and only mine!!" He shouted, the boy was shaking with fear as he saw 2 other boys approach the table glaring at him. " He was-" jane started but Elvis cut her off" Quiet!!" Jane just looked down at her food, " I'm s-sorry I didn't m-mean to offend you dude" with that the boy got up and quickly walked away with his tray.

Elvis then sat beside her, she flinched alittle she was scared, she never knew that elvis could be so violent and aggressive.

" Why was he talking to you?, why were you laughing, I'm the only one that can touch you and make you laugh nobody else" elvis said to her as he stared into her eyes.

She then nodded and smiled alittle " S-sorry I didn't mean to make you mad I just wanted to talk to somebody" she answered him, he then kissed her cheek and said" You can talk to me, I'm always here for you, I will never leave you, ever Jane.", she then begun eating so did elvis the rest of the day elvis made sure he was the only one making her laugh, which he did elvis made her happy again he was warm, kind and friendly.

She truly did adore him even though he scares her sometimes but he always protect her like a brother should.


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