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After he left I immediately locked my office door and fell to the ground sobbing. Why can't I escape this man...why can't he see that I don't love him I ever did I thought this stupid stuff would end once he was away from me. Wiping my tears I got up, I won't let him get to me. I have to play it smart, i can't run away this time. I worked so hard and I won't let him own me or my child.

I flipped through my contact book and found his number, that's right my old college friend Quint Baxter he's a private investigator and he works for the FBI. After a few rings he picks up. "Quint Speaking?" I breath out a a breath. "Quint it's me, Jane." I told him. "Ahh Jane my old school mate, and I hear the best therapist in town" he compliments me and I smile.

"Yeah that's me, uhm I need your help, a favor" I told him.

"Alright how can I help you?" His voice turned professional.

"I need new identities for Me, My child, My father and my boyfriend. Also I need passports for Canada, I can pay anything you want I just really need this done." I explain to him.

"I don't want to use my authority to force what's bothering you out of you so you should tell me why I'm flying you and your family out the state. Maybe I can help" he tried to reason.

"I have. Constitutional right not to say, I pled the 5th" I told him, I hear him laugh and I laugh too. "Look I'll do it, but if you need me you know my cell alright, I can fly out anytime" I smiled.

"Thank you, I'll get back in touch with you soon" I told him. "Take care" I he said and ended the call I sat my phone down and rested my head on my desk but my alarm went off and it was time for me to go pick up Wyatt. Geez my head isn't on right I grabbed my car keys and left out.


I watched as she rushed to her car, she's late picking up our son and I Been left a while ago who was she talking to? Rubbing my chin I watched as she drove off, I'll admit that little act she put on to try show me she's move on and stronger was cute but we both know she knows she can't defeat me and deep down inside she realizes she will be with me again.

Hearing her mention that fucker who took her from me made me angry but that wasn't the right time to act on it. We'll meet again soon my beautiful Jane, everything has to be right. I already have our secret location and the marriage papers already prepared. When the time is right I'll take her but first I have to ruin her relationship with that asshole. Make her see that he isn't the one and when she is weak I'll swoop in and save the day.


"Mom!" Wyatt ran to me and I hugged him smiling. "Hi my little guy you had fun?" He gives me a big smile. "Yeah me and papa played games and ate ice cream" he explained. My dad laughed and rubbed his stomach. "Lord to much ice cream my dear" I laugh to and hug my dad.

"How was work?" He asked. I was about to tell him about Elvis but I didn't wanna worry him, I'll handle it myself. I have to stop running from Elvis, I don't want him to hurt anyone close to me anymore.

"Great" I replied. He nodded and smiled. "Well I'll see you tomorrow little man" he gets down and Wyatt hugs him, I smile watching them. I will protect them, I'll tell Don everything and we can figure out what to do. After we said our goodbyes we got into the car, I buckled up Wyatt and got in driving off.

Don would be home a little later today, since I already talked with Quint I feel much better l, now all I have to do is figure out how I'm gonna get rid of Elvis for good this time, behind bars forever or...I don't even want to think about that option.


"Ma I told you I have to have Jane. She has my child and I have a right to be in his life. I won't let someone else I love leave me." I said to my mother irritated. The fact she was on John's side in keeps her away from me. I mean fuck I know I messed up in the beginning but I'm not that same boy anymore. I won't keep hurting her, hell I don't like her hurting her and now since we have a child I don't want him to see me like that. I'm sure Jane didn't let him see the media or news stories on me through his life but when he does see them when he's older...fuck my life couldn't be more fucked up.

"Elvis you have put that little gal through enough, leave her be son, I can't lose you again Elvis" she says as she comes over to me crouching down infront of me as she took my hand looking up at me her eyes felt like they were going into my soul.

As if she could see right through me like before....


"Elvis hun what's wrong, I know you."

Should I tell my mother how lonely I feel, growing up without my father has really put a dent in my heart and faith in love. I was a fourteen year old boy who was obsessed with his girl best friend. I saved her from those bullies and I knew she was like me, misunderstood and broken. That's why I hated when she would try to make new friends on her own without me...afraid one day she will get rid of me, leave me without a goodbye.

I always shown Jane my tough side but when she wasn't around I battled with my own bullies. In school I portrayed this bad boy but when she wasn't at school I had only myself to think of, no one sat or talked to me. Everyone looked at me like I was invisible. Elvis Presley didn't exist, Jane was the only one who noticed me and people only noticed me when I'm around Jane.

Did I care no one liked me? Yes I did, I'm so so tired of being alone. I should probably tell my mother I've been hearing voices, telling me to do bad things, how I'm joyed someone whoever it was wanted to talk to me, wanted to help me become stronger.

That's when I met Roman, I was ready to end my life but he reminded me of Jane and how I had to live to fully have her, to fully make her mine and mine only. He told me to take and I'll enjoy the benefits of taking and forcing.

I want to cry to my mother but, I don't think she would understand.

"I'm fine ma, I'm going to Jane's for dinner" I told her getting up from the kitchen table after drinking a glass of cola. She reached for me but something deep in me pulled away from her and look at her, I didn't realize the expression I was making until I turned and look into the mirror that resided in the bathroom next to where I had got up.

I saw someone, but it wasn't me...

(Flashback end)

"Ma, I love you. I'm not a child anymore, I don't need you. I can take care of myself, just...stay out of my way" I said emotionlessly and I saw that same look of hurt that I saw when I was a boy. The look of, is this really my child? Yes ma, yes this is me.


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