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I didn't want to get up or even see anybody today. It was Saturday and I want to stay in, elvis took away all my happiest parts of a good Saturday.

I really couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about what Elvis did and said. How could my child hood friend do something like that, what happened to the sweet and loving elvis.

As I thought about what happened I could already feel my tears falling.

Thats when I hear a knock at my door, I slowly dried my face and made my way to the door, please don't let it be Elvis lord.

"Hi Cupcake, I heard from one of the neighbors that you stay here, I seen you the other day so I knew you had to stay somewhere so since I couldn't talk much with you in school I decided I'd stop by, your dad invited me in and told me to come get you for breakfast, he also talked me into staying a while for dinner" Miguel said as he shyly smiled

I don't know why but I hugged him, he wasn't like elvis he was nice and warm. I don't care what elvis say I will always love miguel not him.

"Yeah uh, I have to get dressed and I'm so glad to see you" I say as I let go of him, he just smiled" I'm glad Elvis isn't here, it might be a fight cause hes very protective for a best friend, I mean I can't even compliment you" he says  letting out a soft chuckle, I just nodded and he walks away going done stairs.

I closed my door and hopped in the shower. I let the warmness hit my aching body and I washed myself but no matter how hard i scrubbed my neck his lip marks want go away, I mean I didn't feel disgusted its just that I'm angry for letting him do it.

After finishing I headed down stairs.


I can't wait to make love to my baby, she just doesn't know how much I love her.

I would do anything and everything for her, I would even kill for her. But if we can't be together then ill kill her and myself then we can die together.

"Elvis hun?" My mother called from downstairs. I got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Yeah ma?" I said as I kissed her cheek." Jane's dad invited us over for dinner, he said he wants to apologize for how he reacted since I explained to him how your good kid and you didn't mean to scare Jane" she said as she fixed her dress. I guess she didn't tell what happened, I knew she could be a good girl and obey her man. I smiled and nodded, I can't wait to see my beautiful Jane.

I just wish I could have taken her right there on that bed, I mean I was but I just wanted to play a while but next time I'll just do it.

But I still have to get rid of Miguel Rodriguez, I mean hes not competition I just don't want anybody else having a crush on whats mine, I'm gonna kill him one way or another and today is the day he dies.


"Jane I know you and elvis haven't been on good terms so tonight I invited him and his mother over for dinner so you guys can settle what's been going on between y'all." my dad spoke.

My whole body froze and my heartbeat quicken. All the memories of last night flashed through my mind, this can't be happening I mean elvis will kill Miguel if he see him.

"No!" I shouted, They both looked at me.

" Why did he say something to hurt you again? I'll cancel right now" My dad asked concerned.

Yes, attempted rape!!!!!

"No.. I Mean I don't think it's a good idea It might make Miguel feel uncomfortable" I said looking at Miguel hoping he would agree with me. "Uh, No it's fine I don't have a problem with elvis it would be nice to see him again" he said as he smiled at me and my father.

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