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As I was sleeping in my bed, I felt soft lips kiss my cheek causing me to wake up. I groaned and rubbed my eyes and saw it was my bestfriend Elvis, he was smiling at me with adoration swimming in his eyes. I blushed and hug him he smelled so good.

" Why are you not dressed for school?" He said as he fell on the bed next to me, why would he even care. Oh right, he's my protector, my friend, my big brother.

"Its too early school doesn't start until 9am and its only 7am so let me sleep" I said and put my head back in my pillow, after a moment of silence he started tickling me and saying" Come on baby girl its time to get dressed so we can go eat before we go to school" I burst out laughing I can't take this I hate being tickled.

" Okay okay I'm up now get off me!" I sighed trying to catch my breath.

" Well ill be downstairs baby girl " he said and left my room. I was happy a little, when we were younger he was so protective over me. he even came in the bathroom with me, I felt uncomfortable and I told him he got mad but stop doing it.

Also he hadn't been to mad about me having maria as my friend, he said I couldn't have any boy as a friend he was my only boyfriend nobody else but he doesn't know about the crush I have on Miguel Rodriguez no telling what he is capable of now since hes 18 and more lean, slightly muscular, but actually really strong and taller then most guys in our school. But the wierd thing about our friendship is that he show his brotherly affection by pecking me on the lips. I know it's crazy how bestfriends kiss each other but I don't pay it no mind, he's my brother, my bestfriend and that's all nothing more.

I finished getting dressed and grabbed my bag, heading downstairs, I hear Elvis talking to my father they were very close to each other his mother is friends with my father, know each other. Elvis has known me for years. Since he was 12 and I was 11 and till now, 18 and me 17 that's about 7 years since we been friends that's along time.

"Finally baby girl I was getting worried I thought you were still sleep or hurt dont scare me like that when I tell you something you do it" he signed and peck my lips with his lips then took my hand leading me out the door," Bye dad see you later" I waved to my dad he just smiled and nodded.

As we were walking outside I saw Miguel walking to school he stay somewhere in this neighborhood, he saw me and winked.

"Good morning lovely Jane" Miguel said as he came towards me. I started to panic internally because when I looked at elvis his fist were clenched. He was mad and kids at school rarely pick a fight with Elvis.
"Uh...hi Miguel" I said nervously trying not to blush, he chuckle and looked at elvis who notice me blushing and that pushed him over the edge, he became angry. " Presley" he said and walked away with his friends, his friends glared at Elvis, Elvis only stared at Miguel with this look in his eyes.

As I was about to continue walking Elvis grabbed me by my arm, I gasped out of fear at how rough he was being with me.

"I Don't ever want to see you talking to him, if I see him talking to you or touching you....somebody will get hurt" he said and smiled at the last part, I can't take this hes not gonna control my life I'm 17 now I don't need a body guard.

" Who are you Elvis? You think you can just control my life and tell me who and when to talk and not talk to people you act like your my boyfriend or something your my friend I don't belong to-"I stopped talking when I came in contact with a car, elvis pushed me into It making me whimper a little feeling the pain in my back from the force.

"Look Jane, I just want whats best for you." He stopped and looked down before looking back up and meeting my eyes.

"Don't you understand.. You are mine you belong to me I been telling you that since I first saw you in 6th grade sitting under that tree, I protected you and cared for you. When I said you don't need anybody else but me I meant that...." Suddenly he closed the space between us, his face was so close to mine I could feel his minty breath on my lips.

But what he said next scared me...

"And I will kill anybody who tries to take you away from me, i will never let you go Jane you are mine and only mine" he then pecked my lips again, and smiled and held my hand walking me to school.

What the hell just happened?, Elvis was a whole different person he was scary and dangerous. I don't think he would do something bad to someone...I know elvis and he wouldn't kill anybody hes probably just scaring me so I want to talk to other guys.

He can't be serious....right?


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