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I went to the bathroom, as I did I closed the door and looked in the mirror then closed my eyes.

What the hell am I doing wrong, why can't he see that I don't like him like that. I wish he could just see that I only like him as a brother because every since we were kids he would protect me like a brother but now its like hes gone crazy.

No protecting me, hurting me.

When I opened my eyes elvis was behind me with that smirk on his face.

Oh god no.

Before I could scream he put his hand on my mouth and pushed his body weight against me.

"Shhh baby girl, you don't want them to hear you do you?" He whispered in my ear placing a soft kiss on my earlobe.

Yes I do!!!

"Please elvis let me go" I mumbled through his hand. He only tighten his grip and grinded against me making me whimper.

"Who idea was it to invite Another boy over here? Huh tell me?" He whispered angry.

I was shaken badly from fear. If I tell him who invited him he will hurt my dad, he would probably even hurt Miguel.

I struggled to get out of his grip, but failed then I used my foot to kick him between his legs hitting his groin area.

" Shit" he hissed and fell back against the wall holding his crotch. I then used this as an opportunity to ecaspe, I opened the bathroom door and ran up to my room locking the door and into my bathroom locking the door.

I could here more footsteps coming up the stairs, I closed my eyes knowing that it was Elvis and the others.

"Dear please open the door" I heard my dad yell as he knocked on the door.

I just closed my eyes tight and held myself I didn't want to see any of them they are all to stupid to see that elvis is a psychopath who's obsessed with me. Suddenly I hear all of them talking among themself, thats when I hear miguels voice.

" Uh..Cupcake its me Miguel, I'm gonna leave now so you can get some peace to yourself and I'll see you in school tomorrow." He said and I heard all of there footsteps walk downstairs. I then opened my bathroom door and walked to my room door.

"I know you can hear me baby girl, and tonight that little boy is gonna pay for ever even laying eyes on what's mine. have a good sleep because thats the last time you'll ever see Miguel" elvis said lowly then I heard him walk away too.

Oh my god I have to warn Miguel but I don't have his number. Would he actually...I mean he wouldn't really murder anybody right, I know elvis hes just bluffing to scare me he wouldnt actually kill anybody.

Elvis's P.O.V

How dare that son of a bitch even consider getting close to whats mine.


She will always be mine ever since the say I met her, she was mine and I will kill anybody who trys to keep her away from me. anybody who trys to take her away from me.
When I got home I went into the basement, I sat on the pool table to think. I mean I never killed anybody before my ma didn't even raise me like that but....I love jane so much that Miguel is gonna ruin that for me.

They say love can make you do crazy things..murder is one.

I pulled out my phone and called ricky, me and ricky been friends for a long time but he's married now and has a baby girl, he killed people before so I'm gonna need his help.

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