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WARNING: this chapter contain sexual contents and attempted rape


I hurried and went home after what happen in that closet with Elvis, I feel so scared and disgusted the way he was touch me and kissing me I can't take it.

When I ran in the house my dad was on the couch watching tv, I have to tell him what happen he can help me get away from him he could protect me from Elvis. I dropped my bag and ran in front of my dad.

"Daddy I have to tell you something, it's very important" I said to him." Sure honey whats the matter?" He said and told me to sit down. I did and exhale and said " Elvis is really scaring me dad" he looked confused.

"what do you mean scaring you?" He asked. " Like he is being so possessive over me, he slammed me into a car and told me that I was his and only his and he would kill anybody who would try and take me from him, hes been like this since 6th grade I don't know why but its really scaring me. And today in school he sexually assulted me in a closet and said he would make me his fully....I'm not sure but I think he was talking about sex dad please help me" I said, his jaws were clenched. Suddenly he got up and went into his bedroom and shut the door. I looked confused, doesn't he care that my used to be best friend is trying to rape me and kidnap me maybe.

__________ 20 minutes later___________

My father came out, he was sweating like he just had a whole break down.

"Dad?" I said, he then looked at me and smiled warmly and hugged me. " Thank you for telling me, I told his Mother and she said she will talk to him and he shouldn't bother you anymore" my dad assured me, I was happy and free I didn't have to deal with him anymore and he wasn't gonna take my virginity. I was so happy but then I became worried because what if he gets angry with me for telling on him, oh my god I hope he doesn't come here or try to hurt me for telling on him for doing what he thought was right.

So it was nighttime, me and my dad was watching movies and talking about actors and stuff. It felt great to be in my dad arms I felt protected and loved by him and I knew he loved me bcause he didn't turn me away when I told him about Elvis assaulting me.

"Well I hate to say this sweetie, but its time for you to go too sleep." My dad said as he groan and headed to his room, I nodded and turn off the tv and headed upstairs. Finally I can have a peaceful shower and get to bed happy and free.

I undressed and turned on the shower and hoppped in, this shower felt so good I can wash all of Elvis's hands and smell off of me. Even though he did smell good but I couldn't let his scent be on me because hes not my boyfriend and I don't belong to him. As I showered I thought about Miguel, the way he stood up to elvis was impressive no guy ever stood up to elvis. Since Elvis is gone I can now talk to Miguel without him interfering.

I turned off the shower and wrapped my towel on my waist and headed out the door. As I walk to my closet to get change I heard my door being locked. I clenched my towel and turn around to see Elvis his jaws were clenched and he looked angry.

My hearts started beating fast.

"Low blow Jane, Bringing my mother into this, your father. Unbelievable." he said. " Elvis please-" before I could finished he cut me off, his mood dangerous and calm.
"Shut Up." He said lowly his eyes never leaving mine.
I tried to run back to the bathroom but was thrown on the bed. I tried to scream but he put his hand over my mouth, I screamed and screamed but it came out muffled and he slapped me hard. I whimpered, I could feel the tears in my eyes

" don't want to wake your dad do you? I don't want to kill him because I known him for a long time"
I started to cry, slightly let go of my mouth as I breath heavy breaths.

"Please elvis let me go please...I don't want this" I whispered scared. he clenched his jaws again, then his eyes wondered my body I still had on my towel, he then grinned evilly at me, I shook my head telling him no but he didn't listen.

"You know what baby.. You really don't have a choice. You are mine no matter how much you push me away that will just make me want you even more....and tonight ill show you that you belong to me" he said and moved his hands to my towel, I started whimpering and screaming he covered my mouth again and i started kicking him and pushing him but he didn't budge.

he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head as he took off my towel, my cheeks turn red but my heart was beating, my best friend was now looking at my naked body , he smiled and I felt him put his tongue on one of my breast and started sucking them, I tried not to moan but one escaped I then screamed.

" DADDY HELP-" his hand with back over my mouth and his other hand held my wrist above my head," I wouldn't do that Jane baby, you don't want to PISS ME OFF!!" He growled out into my ear, then took off his shirt showing his smooth but muscular body, then started unzipping his pants. Fear took over me as I relized what he was gonna do to me.

"please...please don't " I whimpered and looked at him, he just smiled warmly and said to me " Don't worry Baby, ill only hurt a little" he said smirking.

"I'm in love with you all I want is to claim you and make you mine fully. Then me and you are gonna leave town and have a good life together with you caring my child ill continue to make love to you forever until death do us part and I don't care if you hate me." Tears were pouring down my cheek, I couldn't believe this I was gonna lose my virginity to my crazy friend. God please help me.

He pulled down his pants and roughly opened my legs. I begin to cry and sob even harder I just wish someone could save me. He started kissing my neck and marking it groaning as he grinded against me, but he wasn't inside me.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, elvis hurried and got up and grabbed his shirt and pulled up his pants. I covered my self and ran to the door thank god but then he grabbed my arm and pull me into his chest.

"If you tell anybody about what happened in this room I will kill them one by one, but don't worry we will finish this later" he said as he pecked my lips and jumped out the window.

"Jane dear are you okay?" I hear my dad say from the other side of the door, I opened it. "what happened to your face?" My dad asked me, I just smiled and said " I'm fine, I fell in the shower but I'm fine thank you" he then kissed my forehead" Okay but if theres something you need to tell me tell me okay" he said, I nodded and closed my door i got dressed and made sure to lock my doors and windows so he can't come in again.

God please help me, I'm scared and terrified I want to tell someone but i don't want him to hurt them. As I layed to sleep tears were flowing down my face as I thought about what happened. My childhood friend became my worst fear hes psycho what happened to the innocent boy I used to know?


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