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It's been weeks since what happened, elvis left ricky and the others and took me with him to a little cabin house in Springfield that was located out in the woods. Everyday when nobody find me or even hear my crys or screams I lose hope...hope that someone will save me from elvis.

Every since he took my innocents he continued hurting me and raping me when hes angry or mad at me when I refuse him or when he goes through these manic episodes and they have been happening more frequently I don't know weather I'm sleeping at night with Elvis or this so called Roman, once I tried to commit suicide but he stopped me saying how he needs me and can't live without me...he just doesn't know how much I hate him, how much I wish somebody could kill him or jail.

I took a quick shower and layed on the bed with my back facing the sun.

"Baby Girl you need to eat something, it's bad for your health and if we want to have babies you have to be healthy" I heard elvis voice say as I smell chicken noodle soup. I didn't say anything, just stared at the wall, everytime I eat I throw up even when I'm not eating I throw up...lately I've been sick....I can't be pregnant, I hope I'm not because I'm only 18 and I haven't even lived worse of all I don't want to have that monsters baby.

"If you eat I will allow you to go outside, it's been days since you've tried to excape I trust you, you want run so...?" He asked looked at me smiling. His smile always made me feel butterflies...but I know behind that smile isn't the Elvis I grew up to love, someone I didn't even recognize anymore. I only nodded and started eating, he begin to undress, I just stared at my food not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Ricky, Haley and rosemary are doing great in Mexico, they said its very peaceful there and they would like us to vist sometime soon, I told them once the heat is off us and people gave up we would sounds fun right?" he said sitting on the bed.

I stiffened.
I'm done eating can I go out now?" I asked.

he pulled my face close to his and kissed me,"If you try to run I will find you, even if it means killing you than myself. I will" he said letting my face go and laying back on the bed. I slowly got out the bed and went outside. I was gonna be free even if it means death. When I walked outside I felt the cold breeze hit my face my, i was finally outside and free. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of nature, that's when I hear a voice, it was a man's voice.

Run and get help, run,run!!!

I took off running into the woods, I finally reached the voice and seen a man, he had an axe in his hand.

"Can I help you ma'am? " he asked.

"Yes please my name is Jane Milton I'm the missing girl I was kidnapped by a psychopath, please help me..please " I begged he nodded and pulled out his phone as he held my arm reassuringly.

I can't believe I'm gonna be free.

"Yes Rosenberg police, I like to report that i found the missing girl Jane Milton" the man said on the phone after a few minutes of conversation he nodded and hung up the phone.

"Are they coming to save me?" I asked, he smiled and nodded.

"Is the boy who kidnapped you near?" He asked.

Yes...I don't know if I want elvis to go to jail...he just need help.


My mind yelled at me. Right.

"Yes" I answered.

He then nodded and pulled me behind him, he slowly walked us back to the location it wasn't to far just a couple minutes walk on the dirt path. The main road should be a couple minutes back that way, they should be able to find us if they track the man's phone.

"If anyone's in here you better come out now, the police will be here in a minute " he shouted.

No sound or movements..too quiet.

Soon elvis came out rubbing his eyes, "What the hell is wrong with you?" He spat grumpily, his eyes landed on me and he smiled but his eyes didn't match his smile he's pissed.

"Is this the boy who kidnapped you ma'am?" He asked.

I nodded, he looked back to elvis.

"Kidnapped? Sir I didn't kidnap this girl, she's my wife why would I kidnap her" Elvis said in an innocent voice.

Wife I will never be your wife you monster.

Elvis walked towards me, I steeped back and the man pushed Elvis away.

"Step back kid or i will be forced to use this" the man spoke calmly hold the axe up a little. "We will wait till the police get here and settled everything alright? " he said glaring at elvis.

Before I knew it elvis had tackled the man making them both fall to the ground, Elvis quickly took the opportunity to grabbed the axe and held it to the man's throat as he groaned and struggled to get free.
"ELVIS!!! STOP!!!! " I screamed and grabbed his arm. He looked at me and pushed me onto the ground roughly.

"YOU UNGRATFUL BITCH!, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENES WHEN POEPLE TRY TO TAKE WHATS MINE!!" he yelled at me and the man, he lifted the axe and brought it down and the man screamed in agony as he was struck in his chest causing blood to rapidly pour out. Just as Elvis was going to do it again a gunshot rang out throughout the woods, Elvis fell to the ground as he yelled out in pain holding his arm.

I looked ahead and saw the police dad.

"Jane my little flower" my dad said. I got up and ran to him, I missed my dad so much, I'm not even mad at him he didn't stop looking for me.

"Daddy I'm so glad you saved me" I whispered he held me close. I turn to Elvis who the police had hancuffed his left arm was bleeding.

"Jane...Please don't do this I love you" he whimpered but soon got angry and vicious. "I FUCKIN LOVE YOU, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BABIES SOON! BABIES JANE!!!I SWEAR TO YOU I WILL FIND YOU AGAIN AND YOU WILL BE MINE AGAIN!" he said shouting.

I held my dad tighter...

"What is he talking about Jane?" My dad asked worried.

I then felt the tears start flowing as I remembered how he raped me repeatedly.

"He raped me....over and over I couldn't stop him" I whispered. My dad held me tighter..."Its okay sweetie I will put him were he belong and thats jail." my dad said.

The paramedics arrived and checked me but Suddenly I felt dizzy then darkness consumed me...the last thing I heard was she's 2 weeks pregnant, and elvis shouting....

"Shes mine and will always be, I'll be back...." it faded after that. I don't want to live anymore I can't live knowing I have that monsters baby. I never knew your bestfriend could become obsessed with you...I will never make that mistake again.


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