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I watched as Wyatt and Jane sat on the blanket playing with each other, I decided I'd take both of them out for a picnic. Some family time, looking at them it made me really happy. Jane was broken when I found her but I made her happy again, but I know that interaction with that man days before really shook her up. I wonder who he is to her? Someone in her past maybe, I'm not sure but I don't like the effect he had on her and how much fear she had on her face.

When we met she did tell me everything that happened to her and the crazy psychopath of a friend that kidnapped and raped her for weeks, it disgusted me. When she told me I wanted to go and find the guy and kill him myself but she told me he was in prison already. He wouldn't be bold enough to try and look for her again right? I'm here now and I'll protect her and our son.

I walked over to them and got down handing them there ice cream i went to go get.

"Two ice creams for the best people in the world" I said smiling at them both, Wyatt thanked me and I received a kiss from Jane making Wyatt cringe next to us and I laughed.

"I love your mother so much, and I love you just a as much" I said to him ruffling his hair. "That's for babies" he tells me tryna act like an adult and I laugh more, Jane kissed his head. "Your never to old for mommy kisses right?" She asked him, he smiled at her nodding. "Never" he licks his ice cream.

I looked at Jane and smiled, she smiled back. After a while of just admiring them Wyatt went off to play leaving me and Jane alone, I moved closer to her and creased her cheek.

"Babe what's been on your mind these days? You seem to be out of it a bit" I asked her curious. She say her ice cream down in a bowel and looked out towards Wyatt as she took a deep sigh.

"My past....i just can't seem to escape it." She tells me. Looking at her confused I gently held her chin making her look at me. "What? Wyatt's father? Everything that happened to you?" I asked. She nodded and I could see the fear and sadness in her eyes.

"Why are you so worried baby? He's in prison and I'm sure he doesn't know where you and Wyatt are" I try to explain to her, she shook her head. "No Don he isn't...he was released recently, he already found us, found me. What am I gonna do? I don't know what I'm gonna do, I'm...I'm honestly scared Don but I will protect my baby at all cost" she tells me.

Fuck they let that crazy bastard out?! What the actual fuck. How did he even find Jane, he has to have connections, fuck that's right the man Jane looked at in fear at the cafe days ago.  What if he has something to do with Elvis finding them. I have to get to the bottom of this, I'll kill Elvis myself if I have too.

I pulled her to me and kissed her softly.

"Listen. Don't worry about anything okay? I'm gonna take care of this-" she cut me off.

"No! Please you don't understand how dangerous Elvis is, he will kill you Don. No no I can't lose-" She panicked.

"Jane." I said in a low tone which caused her to quiet down immediately sensing the seriousness in my voice.

"I will handle it. You're not alone in this, I will protect you, I promise" I kissed her again, she nodded to me looking in my eyes.i saw worry in them and something else I couldn't quite make out. After a while we packed up and headed back home, I'll get them home and I'll do a little research on my own and find that scumbag and run him out of town.

__________LATER THAT NIGHT________

After extensive research and digging, all I got was his parole files, but the address he gave them which is his mothers didn't match the address I discovered in an illegal data base, a condo paid for in cash, no records on the transaction all was said was paid in cash. He's in this city and he's closer than I'm comfortable with. He's to close to Jane and our son, I thought about what I would do to approach the situation. I'll just have a little chat with him, I'll go to his place and talk to him. If that does work I'll threaten him by planting illegal drugs and weapons that can get him locked up again.

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