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We had arrived to my fathers house and were greeted by my step mother Vivian, she hugged and kissed my cheek. I smiled and she immediately swooned over Wyatt saying how handsome he was and how she missed us. My father smiled loving at us all, but how I'm feeling right I couldn't return the smile. My mind only thought of Elvis and the possibility of him finding me and Wyatt.

My father could tell something was wrong so he guided us to the living room as vivan and Don talked as he pulled me to another room.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me concerned, I instantly hugged him.

"Dad I saw Ricky today and I'm afraid that Elvis might be lurking somewhere." I told him. His eye brows furrowed.

"Ricky? The one that got away?" I nod and he rubbed my back. "Don't worry everything will be okay, I won't let that boy get to you. I'll talk to my friend tomorrow down at the station to get some information on Elvis wareabouts. I'll ask Mabel when I see her." He said. I nodded.

That made me feel a little better, I mean Elvis isn't some powerful guy he's and ex con with a record how far could he get in this life now, he was never really good in school and didn't even graduate there's no way he can get to me. He has no one but his mother and she's a sweet women, she wouldn't allow Elvis to come near me again.

We will be fine.

"You ready for dinner?" He smiled and I smiled back nodding, we walked out the room and Don kissed me. "I missed you beautiful" he said and I blushed, I really loved this man.

"Sorry had to talk with the old man" my dad fake gasped hurt that I called him old.

"Dad you are old." I laughed, Vivan laughed to as she came up to us. "He's definitely an old man" my dad grabbed her by her waist . "Watch it. This old man can do a lot" he said I immediately gagged.

Don laughed.

"Ew dad I did not need to know that" I laughed awkwardly.

"Do what?" Wyatt asked as he looked up at us all, I smiled and rubbed his hair. "Beat you at Mario cart" I tell him, Wyatt gives my dad a challenging face and my dad gives him one back trying not to laugh.

"I'm the best at Mario cart, papa can't beat me" he said. We all laughed again.

"I believe you buddy" my dad put his hands up.

Vivan looked at her watch.

"Ah dinner should be ready now, come everyone let's eat" she said.

I smiled as I watched them enter the dining room, a part of me wished Elvis could be here like the old days when we were happy, before he changed he was the sweetest...


"What do you wanna be when you grow up" I looked at Elvis as he stared at the sky, today was his birthday and he wanted to have a picnic, it was his birthday but it felt like it was mine with all the things we did today he let me pick everything, he said the best gift to him was seeing me happy and smile. He was such an amazing friend.

"Your husband" he said as he gave me his signature smile, giggling I hit his chest. "I'm serious Elvis, what's your dream" I asked again, he looked back to the sky. "I don't know anything you want me to be, my dream is to make you happy for as long as Im alive. I wanna grow up to be the best man for you" he said, i could tell he was serious because looked me In my eyes.

I kissed his cheek and smiled. "Well how about a successful man who no one can look down on, I know people often talk about you and how you are a nobody and won't go far but I believe differently Elvis, you can be the best you can be" I told him.

He smiled. "I'm not as smart as you, but I'll listen to whatever you say" he said. Gosh, this boy is going to be the death of me one day.

"More cake?" He often cutting me a slice as he handing me a rose, I blushed and took the rose. "You know you're the most amazing best friend a girl could ask for" he only smiled. "Cause you are an amazing girl, who wouldn't want to give you the world" he rubbed my cheek.

I ate some of the cake as we just sat in comfortable silence.

(Flashback end)

"Jane?" I came out of my thoughts and looked at my boyfriend, I smiled and went to him sitting. But that's the past, I never knew just how troubled he was as kids and teenagers, he never talked about himself it was always me, maybe I didn't know as well as I thought, maybe he will get to do good one day just not with me.

We all held hands and said grace, I have nothing worry about. Elvis is the past.


"she's been dating this Don Vinci guy for 5 years, she works as a therapist now, her father is the vice president of ABM company and is married to a nurse name Vivan Swan, your son is currently in the 5th grade, he does well in school and he's part of a gaming club after school every Thursday and Friday till about 5pm. She gets home every afternoon at 4:25, Don picks up Wyatt at 3:00 and drops him off at John's before heading back to work, John watches him till Jane gets off, Don gets off normally around 10 to 11pm depending how busy the job was he's a financial lawyer for the city. Jane doesn't have any friends, the only place she frequently visit is that cafe downtown and the book store in her free time. Her off days are the weekends, his off day is Wednesday and Friday" Ricky explained to me as I leaned on one of the desk he had in his office.

I smiled in satisfaction, I had everything I needed to make Jane mine again. I had to go by this smart, make everything seem like it's her will to be with me so in case anyone tries to step in they won't be able to because Jane made the decisions.

"You know Uncles Birthday is tomorrow...I was gonna visit his grave you want to come?" Rick asked me.

I instantly felt my heart skip a beat at the mention of my father....


Elvis and Mabel sat in the hospital waiting room, Mabel held Elvis close to her as they waited patiently to hear what the doctor had to say. Today was Elvis's 9th birthday and Vern was supposed to be taking him to get ice cream but on the way he started to have breathing problems and Mabel immediately rushed him to the hospital. Mabel knew that Vern had heart problems and been battling it for a long time, but Elvis didn't know anything his parents always kept him sheltered from it.

Mabel didn't know that this would be the day that Elvis would never be the same, the bond he had with his father was strong and Elvis loved him very much...

"Mommy is daddy gonna be okay" Elvis asked her, she didn't wanna tell him the truth so she lied "uh yes baby he's okay, don't worry about anything your daddy is a strong man" she tells him making Elvis smile, Elvis had no one else who really understood him like his father did, he inherited a lot of his fathers traits. His only friend was his dad and he knew he never wanted his father to leave him, he felt that if he loved someone so much that they would never leave him, they couldn't leave him because he loved them.

"Mrs Presley?" Mabel looked up and got up sitting Elvis down as she walked somewhere private with the doctor. Elvis eyes brows furrowed as he watched them, he could understand what they were saying from a distance.

"I'm sorry...we tried our best but his heart gave out..we're too late" the doctor held her shoulder and Mabel looked back at Elvis, Elvis stared at her.

"Elvis...come to mama" she tells him.

(Flashback Ended)

"Yeah, I haven't given it much thought even before prison I never went because it hurt to much" I told him, he came to me and hugged me. "We'll just go for a little, I'm sure uncle is smiling down at you" Ricky tries to cheer me up.

But is he? He's dead, he abandoned me when I needed him most in life, I was so desperate and alone I became angry, I made friends that even exist only one stayed...roman but he was a never a friend just a part of me I built out of anger I had for him. When he left me I knew that I couldn't let anyone leave me again.

He wouldn't be happy with me.


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