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My favorite time of the day is lunch, Don comes and pick me up and we go out to lunch before we return to work. It's our daily thing.

"So how's work  today" he asked as he took a bite of his burger.
"Good, not too busy so just mostly time to myself" I tell him.
He smiled.
"Same, the law firm isn't too busy right now" he said eating more.

I figured, my boyfriend is a financial lawyer, we met at one of my dad's company parties and we clicked instantly, I was still healing about the things that happened with Elvis but I didn't want that to stop me from finding love.

"My father wants us to come over for dinner tonight" I tell him. He nods smiling. "Hey anything for my future father in law" he smirks winking,no blushed and leaned over kissing him, he kissed me back

"Jane? Is that you?" A voice called out to me, wait that voice sounds familiar. I turned to the voice and I felt my heart stop, it was Ricky, I haven't seen him in 10 years, does that mean... my eyes widening as I thought about Elvis feeling the fear rise in me.

Don stood up sensing my reaction.

"I'm Don, can we help you" he asked, Ricky looked him up and down and smirked.

"My....Jane, you moved on as expected. Mmm you know he ain't gonna like that" Ricky said ignoring him looking at me.

I was to scared to say anything, if he's here does that mean Elvis is near? Does Elvis know about me and my child? Oh god I have to tell my dad I have to make sure me and my son are safe.

"It's none of his business whoever this guy is. This is my woman and i suggest you leave." Don said stepping closer to Ricky. Ricky looked him up and down and back to me. "I'm going. Relax." He assured Don as I looked down not meeting his eyes. "How long you gonna keep running from him?" he says amused and walks away with two guys following behind him.

Don grabbed my bag and helped me up.

"Don't worry Jane I won't let that asshole get close to you, I will protect you and Wyatt" he said as he kissed me, I felt the fear leave me when I looked into his eyes. I was safe now, I have him and my dad. It's okay, I'll be okay.

"Let's go pick up Wyatt and head straight to my father" I tell him, he nod.


"Hmm I don't think I like this color ma"

I was currently picking out suits for my job tomorrow, part of me getting released early was that I'd have a stable job and place to live with weekly check ins with my parole officer. I don't know how i was gonna get that fat fuck off my back, all these restrictions will make it hard to get to Jane and my son, not to mention she put a restraining order on me. The nerve of this woman, I swear soon I'll teach her how to be a good little wife, she better enjoy her freedom cause once I become powerful in the business world nothing will be able to stop me.

Thanks to my cousin he made me a partner in his company, we drew up a contract and he gave me 50% of everything he owns, he said it was my getting out present and an account full of money. His only restriction was to keep the company image, name and reputation out of my personal business and life and I agreed. In his words "other than that, you'll have wealth, statues and no one will know your background." He said I'll be going by the name Aaron Black, a cover up name when I'm working at the company.

Two identities, I love it. Not to mention Ricky showed me we also have officers and chief officers on our payroll here in New York so little problems should easily disappear. They manage to make fake documents of the new life I will be living just in case anyone tries to check into my background they will find Aaron black not Elvis Presley.

My first plan is to watch and observe her, in other words stalk her from a distance, figure her everyday routine and most importantly keep an eye on that prick she's dating. She has another man around my son, raising him when it should be me. She has not right to take that from me, she's supposed to be with me and me only.

"I think it's cute Elvis don't mess with it" my ma scold me.

Groaning a bit i looked in the mirror, I guess blue was okay but I'll definitely be getting mostly black suits, I like the color black it's powerful and dangerous and that's how I live my life now.

I will take whatever I want.

My phone ringed and I saw Ricky's number, picking up I told my ma we'd pick more later and walked to the nearest bathroom for privacy.

"Speak" I said.

"I saw Jane not to long ago at a nearby cafe, she was with Her little boyfriend today she looked pretty scared when she seen me, and as requested i got the files on her, your son and that guy of hers come to the office tonight we have a lot to talk about" he said.

"Alright I'll be there" i tell him, he hung up and i looked in the mirror, who am i right now? Do I really want this? Yes i do, i smiled in the mirror and for a brief second the could see my blue eyes darken. She has no idea the monster i had become.


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