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When I opened my eyes I felt myself warm and strong arms holding me. I tried to get out of his grip but he only pulled me tighter.

"Sleep baby, you need it" a deep husky voice said to me.


How dare he think he has the right to hold me, he kidnap me, beat me and forced me to love him, He's sick and he needs help. "I have to use the bathroom" I said quietly, suddenly he let me go. I hurried and ran to the bathroom closing the door and locking it. I need to get out of here, I looked in the mirror and I could see the bruises on my body and face. I looked horrible and almost more skinny than I was before.

I strip off my clothes and got in the shower, letting the water touch my brusies. It felt great, it relieved some of my pain. I will ecaspe...


I watched as she walked weakly to the bathroom.
I messed up bad, what happened to me I mean I wasn't raised like this....I was a good boy.

Nonsense your bad and you will always be., she made you like this if ahe would have just loved you she wouldnt have been hurt it's her fault show no mercy make her see the real you.

Roman talked to me in my head.

This is her fault I mean if she would have just loved me I wouldn't have to be evil she made me a monster. I got up and walked to the closet, I pulled out something for her to wear. When I finished I walked outside the door and into the kitchen.

"Morning E " johnny said.

he was in a robe drinking coffee.

"Fine, any news?" I asked.

"Well the whole Rosenberg police is searching the town and they have pictures of jane everywhere and you are on the wanted list, but other than that we are fine" David said with no emotion. David is a crazy son of a bitch he want go down without a fight they put him on death roll twice he still didn't die he escaped and cleared his name.

I nodded.


When I finished showering I peeked my head outside to see if elvis was there but wasn't.

Thank God.

He already seen you naked so stop whining.

Shut up, I told the voice in my head. I just don't want to see him he hurt me...beat me and you think i want to be around him. Hell no, When I walked out, I saw some clothes on the bed. It was just a long sweatshirt and some boxers. He could at least gave me some pants Jesus.

I quickly put on the shirt and boxers and quietly opened the door.

"It's safe, Elvis and the boys went out" a female voice said to me. I looked and it was rickys wife Hailey. Well she look about my age probably a but older. I slowly came out the room as I did I notice food and a note. I looked at her she just shrugged and sat on the couch. I walked and grabbed the note by the food.

I made your favorite, Blueberry Pancakes. I know you hate me right now but this is a start of repaying you, I'm really sorry I hope u enjoy.

- Ps. Elvis

he sure knows how to make a girl feel guilty for hating him. I just took the note and threw it away, it's gonna take more than food to earn my forgiveness. But I am going to enjoy this food.

"If you don't mind how did you meet elvis, how long y'all know each other" Hailey said as she slightly pulled me on the couch.

"Since grade school, but he changed..hes not the old elvis I used to know" I said as my eyes teared up. Even though I hate elvis I do miss him, the one who protected me not hurt me. Hailey pulled me into a hug, I huged her back. I guess shes not that bad, I thought she was going to be mean like most girls but I guess we can sympathize with each other since we are both in a horrible situation.

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