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"Time to wake up love" someone said kissing my cheek.
I opened my eyes to be met with dark blue ones, I smiled alittle as I saw love and softness in them, Suddenly I realise its elvis. My smile disappeared.
"Are you hungry?" He asked brushing some of my hair behind my ear. " Yes" I said.

He smiled and kissed my lips before he picked me up and we walked into a big kitchen. I had notice David cleaning some type of gun as he gulp down a bottle of whiskey, Johnny winked and ricky was in the kitchen cooking something and a little girl was playing with a toy doll.

"I know you don't know me Jane but if you wouldn't mind can you play with my little girl for a while till I finish cooking" ricky asked, I smiled and nodded, I love kids. I got out of Elvis arms but he pulled me into him and smashed his lips on mine.

"I love you" he said." I love u too" I whispered, then walked to the little baby. So sad that the little girl doesnt even know whats going on. Soon she might lose her daddy.

A girl needs her father....

As I played with the little girl, I notice she had a long scar on her eye.

"Whats your name sweetie?" I asked, she giggled.

"Rosemary" she said and then poked my cheek. It was so adorable, I guess I could enjoy this.


Seeing her play with rosemary really warms my heart. She'll be a great mother with our children, shes everything I want and need. "Thanks for all your help rick" I said to him. He smiled and shook his head. "No problem anything to help my little cousin, and besides I'm glad to get out of that town. The police wouldn't leave me alone" he said laughing and I laughed too.

"Hey E isn't that the boy you killed on TV" Johnny shouted. I ran and sat down on the couch, I saw Jane crying slightly but hiding it.

"17 year old Miguel Rodriguez was found dead in his bedroom this morning.
The police say, that he was murder, no one has a clue why the boy was murdered or targeted but his death is ruled out as a homicide, they have no evidence or anything.

Other news Two teens went missing yesterday morning.

Elvis presley age 18
Jane Milton age 17

If any information is known about the teens contact the police immediately."

"Fuck" I yelled and turned off the Tv.

"Calm down they don't know where we are they just know that you guys went missing" David laughed. I glared at him. He had no idea what will happen if they find us, Jane will be taken from me I will be out in jail for kidnapping. The worst thing, they will take Jane from me.

"Okay every body food is done" rick called out we all got up and walked in the kitchen, I grabbed jane a plate and took jane arm taking her to our room. I just need to be alone with my girl right now.


He took my arm and took me to the room I woke up in.

"Eat" he said as he gave me a plate, I sat down on the bed he did the same but laid back and exhale.

I can't believe the boy of my dreams is dead, the boy I don't want to be with is crazy and keeping me hostage. I can't escape and police is to stupid to notice. My life is worst can it get. I felt my tears falling down my face as I ate, I felt elvis pull me into him so that my head was resting on his chest.

I cried even harder and he held me closer.

"Why did you do this? Why did you hurt me?" I sobbed gripping his shirt.
"Jane please, all i want is for you to love me like I love you, I know I hurt you but I was jealous and Miguel was winning your heart when it should be mine." He said.
He's so selfish and cruel, if he would have really love me he wouldn't hurt me.

"You will never have my love and I will never ever think of living life with you, you selfish bastard" I spat and pushed him, his face turn from hurt to angry. Before I could even process what was happing, his fist connected with my face causing me to fall to the floor in a thud.

"I'm tired of playing nice guy, I love you and you belong to me theres nothing you can do about it, I FUCKIN LOVE YOU AND YOU PICK HIM OVER ME YOU BITCH!!" he spat and kicked me in my stomach hard, I let out a scream and balled up into myself, I cried harder from the pain.

This isn't my friend anymore..this was my captor.

"I love you and thats why I'm doing this" he said as he kissed my cheek and kicked me once more.

I screamed again in pain," You are mine!!" He spat and walked out of the room, locking the door. I crawled to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. After that I walked to the bed and wrapped the sheets around me, I cried and cried wishing that someone could save me from this monster...what did I do to deserve this.

I then let darkness take me.


I locked the door and walked in the kitchen grabbing a beer. How dare she say that to me, she is mine I love her. I would do anything for her and yet she has feelings for some dead kid.

"I heard what happened elvis,..I mean I understand she belongs to you but beating her isn't gonna make her love will only make her fear you more" ricky said grabbing a beer and sat beside me on the couch.

How can he say that he did the same. That's why his wife fears him.

"You did the same rick" I said taking another drink of my beer.

He chuckled.

"I know I did enjoy it but....when Haley had rose, it changed me it made me realise that life is so short, and hurting the things you love will only get you in a place you don't want to be, but no matter how good I treat Haley shes still scared of me, and it hurts me because I wouldn't want my little girl being treated like that and sometimes Even though they make you angry sometimes you have to be caring and hear there feelings" he said sipping his beer.

He did have a point, maybe I am going by this thing all wrong...but I want her to know that she can't leave me and even if the police find us she wont be the girl that survives I will kill her and myself and we can truly be together forever.

"rick..we aren't the same, what helps you may not help me out minds are different, but anyway nice talk you should get some sleep" I said and got up, he patted my back." Just think about it Elvis, you don't have much time" he said and went into his bed room.

Don't have much time....

I then quietly walked in the room where Jane was, I walked in the bathroom and saw the blood on the sink and bath tub.

I closed my eyes and started cleaning it, everytime I think about what I did it ached my heart, I hurt her yet again. my baby.....

When i was done I undressed, and got in the bed next to her, I pulled her closer to me so that she was laying on my chest. I kissed her forehead then her lips and closed my eyes.

I had her but I didnt have her heart....


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