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Jane was still kinda shook about what elvis had said to her, she couldnt believe it she didn't wanna believe so she calmed herself down and let it go because no matter what he did she loved Elvis and always did.

Jane and Elvis where in there history class, Elvis sat next to her to make sure she's safe and not thinking about other males. Everytime she glanced at him he would wink at her and smile. She couldn't be mad at him because she adored him, and he adored her and he wouldn't hurt her or do anything to hurt her. But little did she know elvis was planning on getting rid of Miguel murdering him and try to make it look like an accident. He didn't care about how people felt about him he only cared about Jane and as long as she loved him he would be okay.

Miguel came late to class, everybody looked at him he just smiled shyly and walked to a seat, there was only one seat left and it was on the right side of Jane so he took the seat. When he sat down jane looked at him, she smiled at him he smiled back and winked at her.

" What did I miss beautiful?" Miguel asked in a whisper to Jane. Before she could say anything elvis moved her desk closer to him and put his arm around her. Jane was confused when she tried to move his arm he gripped Tighter and whispered in her ear. " What did I tell you Baby girl, do you want him to not make it home" his voice was threatening and it made her scared like in the 8th grade when he snapped on that boy. She shook her head and continued doing her work. She felt sad, she was too afraid to even fight with him, she again didn't wanna make him mad.

Thats when Miguel spoke up as he hit elvis shoulder getting his attention.

" Whats your problem presley?, You don't have the right to control her like that she can talk to me if she wants too" elvis was furious he was so filled with rage, he wanted to kill Miguel and that he was. he thought about Jane and how she obyed him so he didn't wanna hurt her feeling by killing the boy.

Elvis just glared at him then the bell ringed.
Jane got up and walked out the door quickly leaving elvis behind she wanted to get away from him quick, she couldn't do this anymore. She wasn't gonna let her best friend control her life, as soon as she exhale and smiled in relief that she is away from elvis she was pushed into a nearby janitorial closet in the school and it was dark she was panicking, she was scared and afraid.

"You thought you could get away from me Jane baby?, don't you know I know everything I have eyes everywhere Why did you leave without me? Was it to get with that boy?" she then realized it was elvis, she pushed him and snapped " Look Elvis your my friend but your over stepping your boundaries, I don't know whats your problem or why the hell your like this but it needs to stop or...your not my Fri-" elvis clenched his jaw, he put his hand over her mouth and pinned her to the wall, he was angry. he hated that she threatened him about their friendship and he hated that she yelled at him he wasn't gonna have it.

He removed his hand and held her hands above her head.

"let me go Elvis!!" She shouted then he smashed his lips on her, kissing her soft and gently she kissed him back but pulled away, she was confused this wasn't his normal kiss more as we are more then friends kiss, she shook her head.

"No elvis this is not right. your my best friend, my brother" she explained to him.

he ignored her and just started kissing her neck, and sucking on it marking her skin bruise. She then gather all her strength and pushed him off of her.

"You're crazy, what do you think you're doing?" She said.

He just laughed, she frurrowed her eyebrows

"Whats funny?" She said.

He looked at her and touched her cheek.

"I'm crazy..but for you, You think this is a game you think I'm playing with you Jane? I'm serious you just don't understand you don't get it" he said then held her wrist and brought it up to her head she whimpered.

"I will have to show you what I mean by your mine and only mine. I have to make you feel it way deep inside make you relized that you can't exscape me"

he then trailed his hands down her back and held her butt and gripped it.

"ill show you and ill make it long and hard" he said then grinded against her.

this can't happen she couldnt let her best friend take her virginity she just couldn't she was scared. Suddenly a knock on the door inturruped them, elvis exhaled and closed his eyes and kissed her again before opening the door.

"Ill see you tonight babygirl, ill prove to you what I mean" he winked and bit his lip opening the door. It was the janitor he stared at them but allowed them to leave. Jane hurried and ran out the school doors, going home.
she hoped she'd get there before elvis so she could tell her dad about his action she wanted it to stop.


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