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"I always hated the way you left me....blamed you for all the shit that happened to me growing up because I didn't have a dad to protect me I had to turn to a part of me I didn't even know just to feel safe" I talked to the headstone of my father.

Ricky, Hailey and Rosemary were also here.

I never cried so hard in my life but that day when my ma told me my father had died in that hospital I broke down even though I was a child I understood that I would never see him again. As I sat in thought I realized this could be a perfect thing I could use in my plan to see Jane. I'll use my father as an excuse to go to therapy, I'll ask for her specific after all she is the best in the city.

"Forgive me pa for the man I've become, but I won't let her leave me like you did. Not this time" I said and got up, it's time for me to see Jane.


I finished my last client for the day, I had three more hours of work left. I went behind my desk and sat down and took out my phone, I wonder what my little man is doing, it's a Saturday and I left him with my dad until I get off. I sat my phone on my desk so he would properly see me over FaceTime.

After a couple rings he picked up.

"Hi dad" I smiled waving, he smiled back. "Hi Jane bug you calling to check on the little one huh?" He asked, I smiled more missing my little baby. "Guilty" I said. I hear Wyatt in the background with Vivian. My dad went to them. "Your mother wanna speak with you buddy" he said and I smiled excitedly. Wyatt is the world to me, he's the reason I live everyday just so I can take care of him with the last of my life to make sure he becomes a good man and nothing like his father.

"Mommy!" He said excitedly when he seen me my father handed him the phone. "Hi buddy, you okay? Mommy missed you" I said and I saw his cheeks flash red slightly as he blushed. My handsome boy "I'm okay mommy" he answered and I nodded. Suddenly my work phone ringed and I kissed him by and picked it up.

"Jane speaking" I said. "Sorry Ms Milton but you have a patient they said it's urgent, should I send them in?" My assistant asked. Urgent? Well I guess I can be of help, I never turn a patient away. "Yes, I'll take them" I said, I hear a buzz and I got up and went over getting my notepad and pen, I didn't realize the patient was already here.

"My sweet, sweet Jane" the voice said, I felt my heart stop completely as I remembered that voice, his voice. Elvis's but I didn't wanna show him that I was scared, he can't control my life anymore.

Clearing my throat I grabbed my things and went to my chair and sat down not letting his eyes.

"So you're the urgent patient, what can I help you with" I said looking up at him ready to face him but I didn't realize just how much Elvis had changed, I could tell through the nice suit he wore that he gotten bigger and more muscular, he was always handsome to me but now he was even more attractive. It made unwanted feelings form between my legs.

He smirked and sat down on my patient couch across from me.

"That's how you wanna play?" He said. "Actin like you don't know me? Should I...remind you?" He said his voice deeper with the last words he said, his eyes held something dark within them, some to big way worse than who I use to know, his blue eyes were almost cold as ice, it was even harder to tell what his eyes held or what he was feeling in this moment. He's like a completely different person.

"No. I..I remember quite well. What do you want Elvis?" I asked him. He leaned forward. "You. I want you." He stared at me.

"Elvis I'm not about to do this with you, can't you just leave me alone? I'm a woman and I have my child-" he cut me off sitting back with a smile. "Our child" he commented.

Glaring at him I stood up. "My child. Now this is the last time I'm going to deal with your bullshit Elvis, don't come near me again or I will call the police and have them lock your ass back up" I spat angry, I don't know where this confidence is coming from but I don't know if it's all the built up rage I had for him and the things he did to me. I wasn't that weak girl anymore.

A hearty laugh erupted throughout the room making me forget my thoughts, Elvis kept laughing.

"I want to be angry but I'm very turned on right now. If you know what's best for you you better watch your words. I don't mind having my way with you right here in this office." he smiled devilishly.

Did he just imply he would rape me again, no way I'm gonna let that happen.

"If you touch me my boyfriend will tear you to shreds. Don't think I don't know how to defend myself now." I tell him. He stood up and menacingly towards me, I didn't feel myself taking steps back until I almost fell over my desk and I held on to it as he was right in front of me. He wasn't smiling like before, his face was void.

He stared at me and I felt myself start to get scared again.

"E-Elvis.." I stammered nervous, suddenly his hands went to my hips and he smirked as if he was waiting for me to reach the way I did. "There my girl, you should know your place when talking to me." He said as he grabbed my jaw tightly making me wince.

"I'm your first and I will be your last. You better enjoy your little freedom you have because you only go so much left. If you try to call the police I will ruin that little boy toy of yours life and I will personally kill him and trust me sweetheart this time I will get away with it. You have no idea the type of power I have now. If I can't have you I will destroy you." He gritted angrily than he let go of me and stepped back.

"You belong to me, my son belongs to me. Don't forget that, because that will be the shit that gets you killed." He smirked and went to the door, I was to afraid to love or talk, I could feel the tears slip from my eyes.

"You will be mine again, don't worry I'll be gentle next time"he licked his lips slightly and left leaving me in shock. Why is this happening to me, why can't I get rid of this demon, why me... what more does he want from me, I wish he would just leave me alone I wish... I never met Elvis Aaron Presley.


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