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Elvis had been charged and sentenced to 10 to 15 years in the state prison with the possibility of parole since he pled guilty to all charges and pled insanity. After his psychiatric evaluation he had tested positive for Dissociative identity disorder and Schizophrenia. His test also showed signs of him being a psychopath, Elvis denied these claims but was still sentenced to 8 years in the local psych ward and is to serve a remainder of two years behind state bars and would be eligible for parole within the following year.

Ricky and his men were never caught and successfully escaped to Mexico, a couple months following the arrest of Elvis he made his way back to the states he and started up his own company which thrived greatly, he now own one of the most successful companies in the world of technology & stocks. This information is very important remember for future events.

Jane was happy when she heard that Elvis would be locked up, she wished it was forever but that was more than enough time for her to move away with her unborn child, Jane was now in her final month of her pregnancy, it's been rough but her father had supported her all the way through with the help of Mabel, Jane didn't have any bad feeling for Mabel because Mabel couldn't have had no idea just How dysfunctional her son was all these years. Jane didn't know Elvis before the age of 11 who knows what he went through or his childhood she told herself so she wouldn't hate him forever.

"Moving here to New York is the best thing I could have ever done dad, it feels good to get away from Rosenberg" Jane said to her father as he helped her unpack her things into the new house she settled into, John had done well for himself following the incident since he was offered a promotion here in New York he gladly took it knowing Jane would be moving there, John works now as The Vice president of Manufacturing businesses throughout New York.

"I agree, and I'll be here to make sure no one ever hurts you again. You and my grandchild." John told his daughter as he kissed her forehead.

Jane was happy and soon she would give birth to her child, who she would love dearly no matter how it came to be, she told herself she would be a good mother. This was the start of a very happy life for her.

Or so she thought.


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