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I woke up to soft lips on my neck. "Morning baby girl" the voice said.

Shit its Elvis!!!.

I quickly got out of bed and ran to my bedroom door, this can't be happening. I tried to twist the knob but it was locked and the door was jammed.

"You really think I wouldn't lock the door baby, you have so much to learn about me" elvis chuckled like a mad man.
"Dad!!! Please someone help me!!!!" I screamed banging on the door. No one answered. "Are you done screaming baby girl? Because this house is empty your dad is at work your all alone with me." He smiled and licked his lips. What the hell how can my dad leave the house without knowing that elvis could just come anytime does he even care if I live.

"Now let's have a talk before you pack your stuff and we leave" he said.

"Leave? I'm not going anywhere with you, you psycho!" I spat angrily.

"Watch that mouth of yours or I'll put something in it" he smiled and winked. I have to get out of here because im not going anywhere with him. Window...I ran towards the window and opened it, the fall dont look that far down so what the heck. Just as I was about to jump i felt strong arms grab me by my waist pulling me in and threw me into the wall causing me to hit my head hard.

Shit that hurt.

"Now you listen to me baby girl, you are not ecasping me. If you try to leave me I will kill you and your family because if I can't have you nobody can don't test me because you will end up like Miguel" he spat getting a suitcase.

My heart stopped, Miguel I hope nothing bad happened to him. "What did you do?" I asked breathing heavily.

"You want to know? Okay turn on your Tv" he said coldly as he contiued to pack my things in a suitcase. I slowly walked to my tv and turned it on, there was no signal.

That's when I saw elvis pull out his phone and called somebody.

"Johnny roll the tape from last night 9pm..Miguel house" he said. Miguels house, I looked at the TV hoping it's nothing bad. After a few minutes a screen showed up it look like it was a recording.

"This what's happen when you look at whats mine!!" Elvis said and that's when I saw a knife going into Miguel, I couldn't hear Miguel cries of pain because another man held his mouth. I started crying as elvis continue to stab him over and over again.

Miguel is dead...Elvis killed him.

I turned my Tv off and walked to my bathroom and startes throwing up. He killed Miguel, he stab him like he wasn't nothing this has to be a dream elvis wouldn't do this he would never want to hurt me.

Fuck that shit elvis is not the guy he used to be He will kill and who knows if you don't play this smart he might kill you too.

My mind kept telling me.

"Take a shower quick, when your done ill be out here waiting for you so don't try anything stupid because who knows what I'm capable of" he said as he smash my phone on my dresser with his bear hands. I just nodded and closed the door.


She closed the door not even looking at me. It ached my heart.... i want to show mercy on her, only if she loved me this wouldnt have to be. But I will make her love me again.
I then looked out the window and saw ricky still outside in his truck with Johnny, David, His wife and his kid. We are all leaving town because the police already searched ricky's place so now it time to go, it's only a matter of time before they find out it was me, they will be questioning everyone in the neighborhood.

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