We're Expecting!

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Peta was standing in the kitchen figuring out the last minute stuff for the cookout they were going to have that evening. Maks was outside getting the patio ready. The weather was gorgeous so they figured they'd cook out and then have a fire for everyone after. They decided they were going to announce the pregnancy to everyone. They were going to skype their parents the next morning after telling their friends tonight. They would have preferred to have told their parents in person but with Peta's mom in Australia and Maks' parents in the city it was kinda hard and they wanted them both to find out at the same time. Maks came back in then.

"How many seats do we need?  8 right? Well including Sophie? She probably won't sit but just in case."

"Right, baby. Yeah I'd have a seat for her, she'll probably sit with someone but just in case since she's going through her independent stage."

"Okay, I think the patio is done then. Do you need me to help in here at all?" He said as he began washing his hands up at the sink.

"No, I think I have everything ready. The chicken is soaking in the marinade. The veggies are cut for the grill and the dips are made. And there's fruit salad in there for dessert."

"And Sophie's shirt is ready right?"

"Yup, it's up in our room but I washed it and it's ready for her." Maks and Peta had decided that they'd tell everyone by putting their niece in a shirt that said "World's Best Cousin".

"And it fits right?"

"Yes, Maks. I talked to Kel last night, I made sure it was the right size." Peta said laughing.

"Well she keeps growing! I wish she'd stay little longer but so I just wanted to make sure. that would kind of ruin the surprise ya know?"

"Yes dork, it would." Peta said moving over to kiss her husband teasingly.

"I'm just checking. I just want it all to go smooth."

"Nervous?" Peta asked him as she rested her head on his chest.

"A little. But like an excited nervous not the I'm afraid anyone will yell but I just want it to work out good." He said looping his arms around her back and squeezing her into him.

"Me too, so I know what you mean. I'm more nervous about our parents tomorrow though." She admitted softly.

"I agree, I think they'll be ecstatic but yeah. How's the nausea today?"

"Good actually and I don't feel drop dead tired either so that's good. I do need to shower and change before everyone comes."

"Me too, we'd save water if we did it together." Maks wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Or we'd just take twice as long but I'm up for it." She said giggling as he pulled her hand up the stairs.


"Should I start cooking or should we wait for everyone to get here?" Maks asked after they had both gotten all cleaned up and ready.

"I think we can wait. For all we know people might be late and this way everyone can sit and eat together."

"Okay, wanna go sit then? We have a couple minutes before anyone should be here." Peta nodded letting him lead her out into the backyard. They settled into one of the over sized lounge chairs they had. Maks wrapped his arm around Peta and she snuggled into his chest sighing in content of the moment.

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