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Addie - Age - 8 Months

Peta was sitting on the swing swaying with Addie. She was teething and was particularly clingy so Peta had figured the fresh air and quiet would do her some good. She was resting against the swing while Addie laid on her holding her blanket and bunny as she played with Peta's shirt. They had tried to use a teether but she had wanted nothing to do it with it. So they gave her Tylenol and just snuggled her up in the meantime.

Maks was in the house switching the laundry and starting dinner for him and Peta while she tried to get Addie down for a bit of a nap. She wasn't having it though and she wasn't fussy so Peta gave up and just snuggled her. With the teething she just wanted held and to be with one of her parents in particular. Maks had sent Peta out with her while he did the house stuff and promised to be out in a little bit to check on them.

"Oh Miss Addie, if you'd just close your eyes I'll bet you'd fall asleep and your teeth would stop hurting you." Peta said softly as she rubbed her baby's back. Of course there was no answer so Peta continued to swing them and talk mindlessly to Addie.

"Papa is cooking us dinner in there. Hopefully you're feeling good enough to eat something sweet pea. He's making you mashed potatoes I think. Those are new for you, so hopefully you like them. Papa's a very good cook. And I know when you get older he wants to teach you how to cook just like him. Momma on the other hand is not so hot in the kitchen but that's why I married your Papa so he can feed me." She said giggling.

"Pa?" Addie said looking up at Peta with a curious look. Peta froze, up until then all Addie had been doing was babbling and talking to them in baby talk. Some things sounded like words while others well sounded like nonsense.

"Sweet Pea did you just say Papa?" Peta asked like Addie knew what she was talking about.

"Pa." Addie said again.

"Oh my goodness, you did. We need to go show Papa. He's going to be so excited. Momma is so proud of you baby girl. I mean soon we'll need to teach you Momma but Papa is going to be so excited when he hears this." Peta quietly snuck into the house with the intention of surprising her husband. She found him in the kitchen with his back to them as he cooked up their dinner. She whispered in Addie's ear and then turned her daughter toward the kitchen. "Go ahead, who is that?"

"Pa." Addie said super softly, Maks however thought he was alone and heard the noise and spun around. He realized Addie and Peta were standing there and his eyes grew wide. He looked at Peta who nodded.

"Did she just?" He asked moving over to them.

"Yup, she did it out on the swing when I was talking to her. Then she repeated it a few times and I knew I wasn't making it up. Addie, who is this sweet pea?" Peta said pointing at Maks.

"Pa." Addie said reaching for him. He took her from Peta and cuddled her up in his arms rewarding her with kisses and lots of love. She started repeating his name realizing what his reaction was. He continued to love her up while she was having it but Peta could see the happy tears in his eyes. She leaned against the counter watching the moment knowing that this was more than she could have ever asked for in life.

Two weeks later, Peta was given her own surprise when she went to get Addie from her nap and she started yelling Ma Ma as soon as she saw Peta. Maks appeared behind her grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Did you have something to do with this?" Peta asked while she loved Addie up.

"We may have practiced. If she could say my name it was time for her to say yours too." Maks said leaning in to give her a kiss.

"Pa....Ma...Pa...Ma" Addie said giggling as her parents both gave her kisses at the same time.

**I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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