Kiss Goodbye

826 28 12

Addie - Age - 9 Years Old
Clara - Age - 3 Years Old
Cecelia - Age - 3 Months Old

You just gotta watch it fly.
Stand there on the side line.
Wanna swallow up your pride.
Know it's gonna be alright.
Wishing when I close your eyes
With a kiss goodbye...

"Come in." Sam's voice echoed. Peta's body nearly gave way at the sound of her brother's voice but she moved forward and pressed the door open. She definitely was not prepared for the intensity of the situation in front of her.

"Mum." She gasped as her body nearly gave out and she fell back into Maks's arms. Maks caught her and held her tightly keeping her upright.

"I'm right here." He whispered into her ear. He certainly wasn't ready for the sight he walked into so he figured Peta had to been hit harder than him. He felt her breathing pick up and just held her as they both took in the lady lying in the bed who looked nothing like Peta's mum. Suzanne's face was covered in bruises from the accident and yet was as white as the sheets she was laying on. She had an oxygen mask over her face. She had tubes coming out of just about everywhere that you could imagine. Her head was wrapped in a bandage just adding to her pale complexion. She was sleeping but you could almost see her fighting for breaths.

"Baby." Barry said moving over to his daughter who just continued to stand there in shock.

"Daddy." Her voice finally whispered and he took the opportunity to collect her in his arms. Her sobs filled the room as he held her tightly just swaying them slightly. Maks felt himself get choked up at the sight. He couldn't imagine what they were all feeling right now.

"Hey." Sam said appearing next to Maks. He put his hand out to shake hands with him but Maks pulled him into a hug instead.

"I'm sorry man, I know that doesn't help but as much as I'm here for P, I'm here for all of you guys too. I just want you to know that."

"Thanks man."

"No thanks, we're family. Always." Maks said as he let him go and then watched his wife catch sight of her brother.

"Sam." She said as she moved into his arms and the two just held tight to one another. You could almost see the sibling bond seep out of them both and just wrap around them.

"Thanks for coming with her." Barry said appearing at Maks's elbow.

"No thanks sir. I never would have let it happen any other way. And I'll tell you the same thing I told Sam. I know I'm here mostly for P and the girls but you guys are my family as well. If you need anything, anything at all just let me know."

"Thank you." Barry said softly as he watched the Peta and Sam hug.

"How is she?" Peta said eventually as she pulled away from Sam and just looked down at her mother.

"A little better than she was actually. It seems that they got some of her pain managed. It's making her sleep alot more but at least she's half comfortable."

"Yeah. So what do we need to expect?"

"As far as?"

"Umm, when it gets closer." She whispered. Maks heard her cracking and moved behind her and slipped his fingers into hers.

"Well her lung function is going to slowly decrease. They talked about putting the breathing tube in already but she refused. If they put it in, she can't talk. She's not ready for that. Her lungs are going to continue to fill up with fluid so they are discussing putting a drainage tube in her side to alleviate that pressure."

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