Scary Things

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Addie – Age – 6 Years
Clara – Age – 8 Weeks

A week after everyone had headed home, Addie came down with strep again. Not as bad as the last time but the whole family was pretty much over the experience especially Addie. Dr. Cress asked Maks and Peta to bring Addie back in after it cleared up so they could discussion their options. 7 times in less than a year was not an option in anyone's book.

"Okay sweet pea. We need to go see Dr. Cress okay?" Peta said after she had gotten Clara & Addie dressed for the day. She was now working on Addie's hair. Maks was feeding Clara while giving Kelly a brief set of instructions. She was keeping Clara for them while they both took Addie. They had a good feeling of what their option was going to be and they figured it would be best to both be there for Addie. Plus Clara was 2 months old so they figured she was safe with Kelly.

"Why momma? I don't feel sick this time." Addie asked.

"I know you don't baby but you know how you keep getting strep throat?" Peta asked as she finished up Addie's hair.

"Yeah, it's yucky. I don't like it one bit Momma."

"Me either baby, I don't like to see you sick. But so that's why Dr. Cress wants to see us. So we can see if there's something we can do so that you don't get it all the time."

"Oh. Do I have to get more shots?" Addie asked nervously.

"I don't know baby. We have to see what Dr. Cress says. I know they are scary and they hurt but if you do, Papa & I will be right there with you okay?" Peta didn't want to say yes or no. She had a good idea that if they were going to get her tonsils removed that blood work, iv's & other things would be involved. However she didn't want to give Addie a panic attack before things even started.

"Can Nosey & Blankie come please?" Addie asked.

"Sure baby. Why don't you go get them and then we'll go tell Aunt Kelly & Clara bye."

"Do you think Clara is going to be scared when we leave her?" Addie asked as she gathered her things.

"She might be. We'll remind her that we're coming back though and Aunt Kelly will give her lots of lovings while we're going. And then we'll snuggle up with her later."

"Okay, I don't want her to be scared. Can I read to her later?"

"I think she would love that. You can read her bedtime story okay?"

"K, thank you momma."

"You're welcome sweet pea. You ready?" Addie nodded and the two headed downstairs.

"Hi Aunt Kelly. You have to give Clara lots of lovings while we're gone so she doesn't miss us okay?"

"Don't worry miss, I'll make sure I give her lots. Okay? You enjoy time with Momma and Papa, we'll be waiting for you guys when you come back." Kelly said smiling as she bent down to give her niece a hug and a kiss. Addie skipped over to Maks who scooped her up. He had already told Clara goodbye when her heard Addie & Peta coming down the stairs.

"Maks explained everything right?" Peta asked as she snuggled Clara tightly. She trusted Kelly but this was still her tiny baby.

"He did. He wrote her naps & eating times and told me the things she likes to do right now. She'll be good P. And you're just a phone call away."

"I know, I just.."

"I know. I get it. I promise. She's good though. I'll give her lots and lots of loving."

"Thanks Kel. Alright buttercup. You be good for Aunt Kelly. We'll be back to see you soon. Momma loves you." Peta said kissing her one last time before heading out with Maks and Addie.

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