Swept Under The Rug

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*For my miss stefanie_brito ! I hope you love it lady! 💗😘

Addie - 8 Years Old
Clara - Almost 2 Years Old

"Look who's up from her nap, come here little one." Maks said as his wife and youngest appeared in the kitchen.

"Papa." Clara said softly as she snuggled into her father's chest. She was much like her father and sister. Very cuddly when she woke up and took her time being ready to be outgoing. She was still their little quiet one.

"Did you have a good nap baby?" Maks asked as he rubbed her back. Peta watched with a smile at their connection. Maks had always said Addie was her baby, well Clara was definitely his.

"Mmhmm, Momma snuggle me first." She whispered as she kept snuggled into Maks.

"She's a good snuggler huh? I like Momma's snuggles too." Maks said winking at Peta.

"Addie?" Clara asked realizing her sister was missing.

"She's with Grace for a little bit so you have some Momma & Papa time." Maks said hoping that wasn't going to upset her. He knew it could go either way.

"Addie home soon?" She asked looking at Maks with a sad look. He loved the bond the two already shared.

"In a little while. You get to play with me and Momma for now. You want to have a snack first?" Maks asked trying to divert her attention.

"Addie ca-cake?" She asked her eyes growing wide. Addie's end of the year dance party had been the day before and she had brought home a cupcake for Clara from the party. Unfortunately since it was late when she got home Clara hadn't been able to eat it right away.

"I think you can have your cupcake. Can you sit in your chair?" Maks asked her as Peta got the cupcake out and put it on a plate for Clara. She got her a sippee of milk too.

"No, no, stay with you." Clara said looking at her father with wide eyes.

"Okay, you can stay with me. We have to eat at the table though." Maks said knowing that the cupcake experience could get messy.

"Tay." Clara said snuggling back into her father as he sat them down at the table.

"I'm going to go flip the laundry babe." Peta said kissing her husband's cheek.

"Okay pretty girl. We'll be right here."

"Momma back quick?" Clara asked sweetly as she watched Peta leave the room.

"Yeah, she'll be back quick. After you eat your cupcake, what do you want to play? You can pick anything okay?" Maks asked her as Clara turned and got started on her cupcake.

"We pay pay-oh ouside?" She asked as she looked up at her father with her chocolate covered lips.

"I'm pretty sure we can do that frosting girl." Maks teased making her giggle. She finished up the cupcake and Maks got her cleaned up as Peta appeared.

"So what are we going to play?" She asked.

"Miss Clara has requested that we play with Play-Doh out on the porch, right little one?"

"Yes." Clara said smiling at her mother.

"We can do that. You want to come with me and pick out what you want us to play with and Papa can set the mat up?" Peta asked her baby.

"K momma. Papa be back." Clara said giving him a kiss before switching over to Peta's arms. They met Maks back on the porch and settled down to play. Clara had picked out a bunch of Play doh and then a bunch of different things to play with. The ice cream shop, the hair dresser, and some other stuff. So they were all enjoying playing around making different creations when Maks noticed Peta had begun scratching her arm relentlessly.

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