** New** All The Who's in Whoville

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Addie – Age – 6 Years
Clara – Age – 4 Months

"Hi Momma, Hi Clara." Addie said scrambling up into the backseat of the car after school.

"Hi sweet pea, how was your day?"

"It was good. Miss Callie started out new songs and we learned a Halloween one cause it's almost Halloween!"

"You're right, I think papa was going to start your countdown with you tonight if you wanted."

"Ohhhh, yes please! This is the creepy spider one right?" Addie said excitedly.

"It is, Papa said he'd get it out once he was back from classes, which should be right after we get home. Do you have homework tonight sweet pea?"

"I have spelling words and math and I have to read to you. Ohh, Clara lost her paci momma, should I try to give it back?"

"Umm, if you can reach without unbuckling yes please, she may not want it or she may have heard you and got excited."

"Here sissy." Addie said as her tiny hand gave Clara the paci back. Clara didn't want it though and reached for Addie instead.

"Well then, I think someone missed her sister." Peta said smiling.

"We're almost home sissy, then I'll play with you." Addie said sweetly letting Clara hold her hand.

"Thank you sweet pea, you can play with Clara while you have your snack and relax if that's okay, then we'll do your homework before dinner."

"Okay momma, when I read, can I read to Clara too if she listens?"

"Sure, you can read to us while I feed her, okay?"

"Yay. Sissy, I'll read you my story later okay?" Addie said playing with Clara's hand as Clara yammered to her.

"So what was your Halloween song miss?" Peta asked. Addie burst into a Halloween version of I'm a Little Teapot, Peta clapped at the end and Clara gurgled in appreciation next to her sister. They were pulling in then so they headed into the house. Peta got Addie her snack and Addie settled on the floor with Clara while they played with some of her toys. Once Maks came home, he joined in on the fun and listened to Addie's song as well. Peta took Addie to do her homework while Maks started dinner.

"Papa, Momma said you were going to start the Halloween countdown with me tonight." Addie asked while they ate their pasta.

"She did?! Where would she have gotten that idea?" Maks teased his daughter.

"Cause its Halloween time papa! We gotsta start counting days cause I'll be ohhh so excited! We have the ball and we have the pumpkin place and we have trick or treat! There's way so much fun stuff this month."

"There is super lots of things this month. After we finish dinner and get Clara to sleep we'll do it okay?" Maks said sharing a look with Peta. They had to talk to Addie about the ball because they had decided they didn't want to take Clara quite yet so she had a choice to make.

"Well but Clara needs to see the countdown." Addie argued.

"Baby, she's not going to understand." Peta inserted once she realized what Maks was stalling for.

"But it's still for the whole family. Please can she just listen?"

"Okay, she can listen and then momma or I will put Clara to bed while you get your bath, okay? That means you're giving up sharing story time tonight, is that okay?" Maks asked typically they got Clara settled and then Addie and Clara got a story per Addie's request, and then Addie showered and had her quiet time before sleeping.

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