Rolling Over

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Addie - Age - 3 Months

Peta sat in the rocker, rocking Addie to sleep. She had fallen asleep a good ten minutes ago but Peta couldn't bring herself to lay her down yet. She wasn't ready tonight so she stayed in the rocker cuddling Addie as she watched her peacefully sleep.

"She asleep?" Maks whispered as he appeared in the door.

"Yeah, a little bit ago." She said nodding her head as she continued to watch her sleep.

"Why don't you put her in her crib?" He said coming over to the two of them.

"I will, I just wasn't ready yet. I can't believe she turns one tomorrow Maks." She said softly as she kept her gaze on her baby.

"I can't either." He said settling down beside her and Addie on the floor.

"This year has went by so fast."

"It feels like just yesterday she was rolling over." He said as he reached for Addie's blanket as he closed his eyes thinking of that moment.


"Come on sweet pea. You can do it." Peta said softly from her spot on the floor next to Addie. They were laying on the floor and playing when Addie start rocking back and forth like she was going to roll over. She had been doing it a lot lately and  it seemed like she was going to finally roll over.

"Did she....that's a no." Maks said chuckling as he appeared next to Peta. He had been cleaning up from lunch when he heard Peta cheering her on and came over.

"Nope, she tried and it seemed super promising but no dice." Peta said sighing.

"She'll get it pretty girl."  Maks said sitting beside her and tickling Addie's belly getting a tiny laugh out of her.

"I know, I just want to see it. I don't want to miss anything." She said as she rested her hand on Maks's leg.

"I get it. Have we tried helping her? They say that's a good idea right? That way she learns how it feels and what she needs to do to get over.

"We haven't, well I haven't , she's just always seemed like she was getting closer so I just left her go. Have you done it at all?"

"No, let's try it. We'll see if she gets it. We got awhile before she runs out of steam for her nap right?"

"Yeah we've got about 40 minutes before she wants her bottle and nap-time."

"Okay, let's try it." Maks said moving up above Addie's head and reaching for her hand. She grasped onto it and he began to help her roll. She let go the first few times but finally she allowed him to help her roll over.

"There you go sweet pea!" Peta cheered softly. Addie looked around in shock at the new view on life. Maks laughed and flipped her back over.

"Go ahead pretty girl, you try this time." Maks said letting Peta have a turn. It didn't take her many tries this time and she actually used Peta as leverage this time.

"Whoa! Good job Addie." Peta said once she was over and on her belly again. Maks helped her tuck her arms under her so she could practice her tummy time for a moment. She watched him carefully for a moment before pushing with her leg and flipping herself back over on her back.

"Yayay! Addie girl! You did it!" Maks and Peta both let out as Addie looked at them with a shocked look. Then she pushed with her leg and arm again and flipped herself back to her belly eliciting cheers from her parents again. Which is when she burst into tears.

"Oh my goodness, come here sweet pea! Was that too much for you?" Peta said scooping her up and snuggling her as her whimpers died down.

"It's alight Addie girl, we were just excited that you were being such a big girl!" Maks said rubbing her back.

"I think maybe it's time for someone's lunch and nap. How about Papa and I take you out on the swing? Then after you wake up you can practice your new skill again." She said standing up with some help from Maks before they gathered Addie's bottle and headed out to the swing to give her a break.


"It feels like so many things just happened yesterday, her first doctor's visit, her first steps, her first words...." She trailed off.

"There's been a lot of firsts this year. We'll have a lot more to come." Maks said quietly.

"I know, but right now I just want to focus on this and the year we've had." She said stretching her hand out to him from the rocker. She knew she should lay Addie down but she just needed a little bit longer to remember all the little pieces that had happened this year.

*** I hope you all liked this one! Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Thank you for all your continued support!!

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