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Addie - Age - 6 Years
Clara - Age - 2 Days

"Aunt Sharna, when are they coming?" Addie asked anxiously as she bounced from one foot to the other while her aunt cleaned up their lunch dishes.

"Papa said that they were leaving in 15 minutes about 20 minutes ago, so you probably still have about a half hour sugar." Sharna said as she saw the look of dismay cross her niece's face causing her to laugh.

"That is forever!" She said as she flopped down on the floor next to kitchen sink.

"We'll figure out a way to make it go fast miss. I'm finished up here, how about we go read some more of Charlotte's Web?" Sharna said as she held her hand out to her niece.

"Okay." Addie agreed and headed out with her aunt onto the patio where they curled up on the swing and began to read. Between the past 2 days, they had gotten through about the first 6 chapters and Addie was thoroughly enjoying the story.  Sharna was halfway through chapter 7 when Addie stopped her with a question. "Aunt Sharna, what's going to happen when Clara comes home and you're not with me all the time?"

"What do you mean sugar?"

"With our book. I can't read yet and if you're not here all the time we can't read as much and......" Addie trailed off.

"Well, I'm sure if you'd like Momma or Papa would read this to you at bedtime instead of your other books and then when I visit we can still read some. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. Are you sure Momma and Papa will do it?"

"I'm pretty positive they will. You told me Momma wanted to start this with you anyways right? We just helped her with it."

"Right, okay." She said as she became quiet again. Sharna left her be for a few minutes and then began to read again. They continued until the heard a car pull into the driveway and Addie's eyes lit up as she looked her aunt. "They're here!"

"They are, remember miss, quiet voices and be gentle with Momma." Sharna reminded her as they headed inside.

"Momma! Papa! You're home! And so is Clara! Finally!" Addie said in quiet excitement as she threw her arms around Peta's legs after she saw Maks was carrying Clara.

"That we are sweet pea, I missed you." Peta said as she knelt down and held Addie close to her.

"I missed you too Momma. I like it best when you're here." Addie said as she held onto Peta.

"What about me?" Maks teased after he had set Clara's car seat down and Sharna was now holding her tiny niece.

"I missed you too Papa!" Addie said as she squeezed Peta once more before leaping into Maks's arms. He caught her effortlessly after years of practice and snuggled her up.

"I missed you too Addie girl." He said as he pressed a kiss to her head.

"Can I see Clara?" She asked after a little bit of time with Maks.

"After Aunt Sharna's done, baby. She's leaving soon then you can hold her for awhile." Addie's nose scrunched up at her mother's words but nodded her head.

"Can I give her a kiss hi for now then?" She asked.

"Just be gentle." Maks reminded as he moved them over to Sharna and moved Addie so she could reach her sister's forehead.

"I'm glad you're home too Clara. I'll cuddle you later when Aunt Shana's done but I just wanted to tell you hi." Addie said softly before pressing a kiss to her sister's head making all the adults smile.

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