Wrap Your Arms Around Me

533 20 4

Addie - 7 (Nearly 8)

Clara - 1 (Nearly 2)

"Papa, how much longer?" Addie asked from place next to her father.

"2 more hours, pretty much until Clara wakes up and we can have a snack. Then we'll head to the airport."

"2 hours!" She said as she flopped back onto the couch.

"I know Addie Girl, I know. I promise, it'll go fast. Why don't you pick a movie and we'll watch it." Maks suggested. Peta had taken a sudden trip to  Australia when she found out her dad had a heart attack. He had ended up needing a quadruple bypass and Peta just didn't feel right without going to see him at least for a few days. Maks agreed wholeheartedly and although he hated sending her alone especially when things were so tense he had too. Addie's 2nd Dance Recital was the following week so she had dress rehearsals this week, Clara had a check up scheduled, and Dance With Me was doing a remake of Sway in 3 weeks. It just wasn't a good time. Plus, it was only going to be a 5 day trip, 2 of which would be flying. They both decided that putting Clara through that wasn't a good idea yet.

"Buttt...what if I can't concentrate?" She whined looking at him.

"I think we'll figure it out. How about you get your coloring book and pencils so you can color  Momma a picture for when she gets back."

"Can I still cuddle with you?" She said forlornly.

"Definitely." He said bending down to kiss her. Both girls were desperately missing Peta as was Maks. It was the first time either of them had been away from one of their parents for more than a few days. The longest they had done was a weekend trip when Maks and Peta went to celebrate their 10th anniversary.

"I'm back." She said as she appeared next to Maks with her blanket and Nosey as well. Maks wasn't shocked even though she was turning 8 the following week, she still loved her favorite cuddle buddies and they came out more frequently when she was having a rough week.

"Alrighty, what movie are we picking?" Maks said shifting slightly so she could snuggle in next to him without waking Clara up who was sleeping on the other side of him.

"Footloose?" Addie asked. Maks chuckled and started up the blue-ray player. It was her current favorite so he had a good feeling it was already in the player. She snuggled into Maks's side and found a picture to color. Clara woke up when the movie was nearly at the end so Maks went to go grab them a snack. When the movie finished, Maks got everything straightened up before they headed out. He had two very excited girls in the car.

"Are we going in?" Addie asked when they arrived at the airport. There had been times when they did carside pick up and a few times when they had gone in to meet whomever they were waiting for.

"We are. I need you to be super big though and hold my hand okay? I know we don't always make you do that anymore but the airport tends to be crowded and people aren't paying attention." Maks explained.

"I can do that Papa."

"Momma home?" Clara asked looking around.

"Almost little one.  She should be here really soon. Her plane should actually be landing at any moment." Maks said although Clara had no idea what the end of that sentence meant.

"Clara miss momma." She said softly clutching Whiskers who had become a staple the past few days.

"I know baby, we all do. I don't think Momma is going anywhere for a long long time." Maks chuckled. He honestly couldn't wait to have his girl back either. Due to the time difference, they had barely gotten to talk. On top of that, he knew she was stressed out to the max with everything going on with her dad, which made him want to fix it even more.

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