Safe Inside

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**Please make sure you read the whole way to the bottom for an important author's note.

If you make the same mistakes, I will love you either way
All I know is I can't live without youThere is nothing I can say that will change you anywayDarling, I could never live without youI can't live, I can't live, no, no

"Umm, can I ask you two a question?" Addie said one night after dinner.

"Is all your homework done?" Maks asked with a wink. At 17, Addie was fairly responsible. She did her homework almost as soon as she got home and very rarely had to be reminded.

"Everything except for reviewing for the Spanish quiz tomorrow."

"Maks, stop teasing your baby." Peta said as she closed the dishwasher.

"Fine. What's up Addie Girl?"

"So Calise is having her birthday party this weekend."

"Okay?" Peta asked leaning against the island.

"At her parent's beach house."

"Yes." Maks said. Calise and Addie had been close friends ever since middle school and basically all of Calise's parties were at the beach house. It just made much more sense.

"Without her parents." Addie mumbled.

"Nope. Sorry. No." Maks said walking away from her and heading to find Clara who was doing her reading for the evening.

"Mom...." Addie said looking at her mother with pleading eyes.

"Baby, I trust you, Papa trusts you, we trust all your close friends, it's just all the other people we don't trust."

"But you have to let go sometimes. I can't miss one of my best friend's birthday. And Grace will be there and Landon and Aiden."

"How many people is she inviting?"

"I don't know honestly. It's her 18th birthday so I would guess a lot. But you know that I'll just be staying with Grace, Landon, and Aiden. And we behave mom. Please? I'll keep my phone with me at all times and you guys can give me a curfew earlier than normal if you want or I'll call and check in."

Peta watched her daughter thoughtfully wondering when in the world she had gone from this tiny little girl to this adult smart and mature one. She sighed softly knowing that they had to at least let her go. However her husband wasn't going to want to hear that as much as she understood it.

"Please mom. Please can you talk to him? I'll do math with Clara for 2 weeks."

"Sweet pea, you like helping her with math..." Peta said chuckling.

"I know but I don't do it every night. This would be every night without you guys even having to ask me." Addie said. Much like her sister, Clara had done wonderful in school. She was quiet, smart and she learned easily, however math was her nemesis. She had struggled with it on the regular so Maks and Peta spent time with her every night trying to help her learn. Addie stepped in when she could.

"Well thank you but I'll talk to Papa for you. I can't promise anything but I'll try."

"Thank you momma, thank you. I can do math with Clara tonight too." Addie said as she hugged her mother.

"Go ahead to her room. I'll go talk to your papa and send her to you." Peta said pressing a kiss to her baby's head. Addie hugged her once more before heading upstairs.

"Clara, buttercup, whenever you're ready, Addie is going to do your math with you tonight."

"Ohh, did she want to?" Clara asked.

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