Tricks & Flips & Oh-No's

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"Papa, how long until you're home." Clara said from the backseat of Peta's SUV.

"Tomorrow afternoon little one." Maks responded into the cellphone. Maks was in NYC for a nearly a week on business with the studios and a few other engagements that happened to fall during the same time period. Peta and the girls stayed in LA so that Addie & Clara wouldn't miss school or practice during the 5 day trip. Clara was particularly missing her papa.

"Oh, I miss you." She said softly as she played with her hair. Maks's sweater lay across her lap which he has given her before he left for the trip.

"I miss you too baby, you have practice now though right? You should be almost there."


"Well so you have gymnastics, and tonight, and school and then you and Momma will come pick me up from the airport." Maks explained hoping that would help her. Clara was in gymnastics for the 3rd year now. She had started when she was 2 in a beginners class after she fell in love while watching the summer Olympics with Addie. Maks and Peta were constantly chasing her around the house stopping her from trying one trick after another. Maks finally looked into classes and she had been invested ever since. This year was the first year that she had started taking privates. So along with her three 2 hour practices a week, she had a 2 hour private after kindergarten on Wednesdays which was today.

"I guess that's not too bad. I like it better when you're here though."

"Me too sweetheart."

"Buttercup, we're here, you gotta tell Papa you'll talk to him later. You can call him before bedtime to say goodnight and tell him about practice." Peta said as she pulled into Clara's gymnastics center.

"Okay. Momma says I have to go Papa. Can I call you before bedtime?" She said as she unbuckled and gathered her bag.

"You sure can little one. You have a great practice. I can't wait to hear what you learn today."

"Thanks papa. I love you." Clara said.

"I love you too baby. Let me talk to Momma for a second." Maks asked.

"Here Momma." Clara said handing Peta the phone.

"Hey handsome, can I call you in 10? I just want to get her situated and signed in. I have her paperwork for the summer season to turn in or else I'd just have you hold."

"That's fine pretty girl. I have an hour til our last meeting. I'll talk to you in a bit. Give Clara a hug from me. She didn't sound like she's handling this well." Maks said.

"It comes and goes. I'll definitely give her one. Love you handsome. I'll call you back in a bit." Peta said. She waited a moment for him to tell her bye as well before she disconnected the call and threw her phone in her purse.

"Momma." Clara said as she took her mother's hand to walk in.

"Yes miss?"

"How many hours?" She asked quietly.

"Less than 20 buttercup. I know you miss him but I promise it's going to go fast. You go put your stuff in your cubby and then I'll pull your hair back okay?" Peta said as they walked in. Clara nodded and headed off to her cubby to throw her supplies in. Peta handed in her paperwork for her summer sessions as well as her summer privates. Group class time would go down to 2 practices a week but she had to schedule her private time as well.

"Hi Miss Clara, are you ready for today?" Natalie, her instructor asked.

"Yeah, Momma is going to pull my hair up, then I'll start stretching." She said shyly as she leaned into Peta.

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