Afraid of the Dark

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Addie - 8 Years Old
Clara - 2 Years Old

"Papa, papa." Clara's tiny voice whispered into the night as she shook her father trying to wake him up.

"Hey little one, what's wrong?" Maks said as he woke up out of his deep sleep to see his little girl standing next to his bed. She had tear stains on her cheeks and she was clutching her kitten and blanket as she stood next to him.

"Scary." She said as her arms reached up for him.

"Did you have a bad dream little one?" Maks asked as he pulled her into the bed. She buried into him as best as possible and nodded her head. "It's alright, I'll keep you safe. No more scaries."

"I no like that Papa." She murmured as she buried into his chest as he held her tightly.

"I know baby, it's scary. You're safe now, no more bad dreams tonight." Maks said as he snuggled Clara into his arms. She

"I don't sleep no more." She said with a hint of conviction as she kept her grip on him.

"Baby, you have to sleep. Its a long time until the sun comes up. You'll be yucky tomorrow when the sun comes up." Maks tried convincing her.

"No papa no, please no more sleeps." She whimpered into him.

"Baby..." Maks said realizing this was a losing battle.

"No." She said adamantly as she clung to him.

"Clara." His wife's sleepy voice mumbled out.

"Momma, bad scary dreams." Clara said as her tears continued to fall.

"Oh buttercup. We won't let anything get you." Peta said sitting up and moving over to her husband and daughter. She rubbed Clara's back gently.

"No more sleeps momma." Clara said as she held tight to Maks.

"Baby..." Peta began but was cut off quickly.

"No no no no no no no no no no no!" She shrieked nearly panicking.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa little one. It's okay, it's okay. We won't go back to sleep yet." Maks gave in.

"No stay in bed." Clara said clearly wanting to be out of the area where sleep could happen.

"Okay, do you want to go sit on the couch?" Maks asked. He figured maybe if he could distract her for a bit it would help.

"You stay with me?" Clara asked picking her head up just enough that she could see her father.

"I'll stay with you little one." He said as his hand continued to run up and down her back.

"Do you want me to come with you guys?" Peta asked.

"You sleep pretty girl, I'm hoping that's what will happen with us and then I'll come..." Maks trailed off not wanting to let Clara know what his thoughts were.

"You're sure?" She asked again.

"Sleep babe." He said leaning down to kiss her.

"Come here buttercup, give Momma a hug." Peta said reaching for Clara. She cuddled into her momma as Peta held her tightly before pressing a kiss to her head.

'Love you momma." Clara said before reaching back for Maks.

"Love you too baby, you enjoy papa." Peta said smiling at them. Maks then took them downstairs and into the living room.

"We pay?" Clara asked Maks.

"No sweetheart, we don't have to sleep but we need to rest okay? We can watch a movie or read for awhile okay?" Maks said hoping that whichever option she picked would be enough to distract her til they fell asleep.

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