Witches, Goblins, and Ghouls, Oh My!

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For Miss stefanie_brito and 123Janae123 thank you both for everything! I hope this is what you were both hoping for!

Addie - Age - 2 1/2 years old

"Okay miss Addie, are you ready to go pick out your costume for Halloween?" Peta asked after they had breakfast and finished getting everything ready for the day.

"Yes, yes!" She said dancing beside Peta as they waited on Maks. She was wearing a long dark purple sweater with black leggings and little black boots. Peta had her hair pulled up in two little pigtails that were bouncing with her dances. She looked pretty adorable if Peta did say so herself.

"Papa is being a slowpoke! He needs to hurry up." Peta said laughing at her daughters excitement.

"I'm here, I'm here." Maks said scooping Addie up from behind as she shrieked in delight.

"Papa yous soooo-poke." Addie said giggling.

"And who told you that?" Maks said looking at her with wide eyes.

"Momma!" Addie said as they all laughed.

"Adeline! You're not supposed to tell papa that!" Peta said laughing.

"I es sorree Momma." Addie said as she batted her eyelashes at her mother sweetly.

"It's okay sweet girl. We're just teasing."

"Allowee time?" She asked.

"Yes, Halloween costume time baby. You still have a few more weeks before it's trick or treat night okay? But we have the dance party at the studio." Maks reminded her as they headed to the car. They got her buckled in and got themselves on the way.

"Did you decide what you're going to be Sweet Pea?" Peta asked as her daughter sat happily in the backseat.

"I be Punzel?" Addie asked thinking hard.

"You can be Rapunzel."

"Or Laf? Or Bee? Or Witch? Or Innie Ouse?" Addie rambled as Maks cracked up.

"So you haven't decided yet Addie girl?" He said once he controlled his laughing.

"I....well....." She said looking at Maks from the backseat. She sounded like she was getting upset.

"Whoa, it's okay sweetheart. That's why we're going to the store. So you can see the different costumes and pick your favorite one. That help sweetheart?"

"K Papa. You help?" She asked sweetly.

"Of course." He said pulling into the parking lot of the costume store. They had decided to come to this store earlier in the season hoping to avoid the crowd and giving Addie the chance to really explore the costumes. Being 2 and a half she was pretty indecisive but not at the same time. And this was the first year they were letting her pick her costume. She had been a Black Cat her first year and then last year she had been a Kangaroo. The costume had been by far the most adorable thing ever but they knew it was time to let her decide.

"Okay baby, now remember no touching. You tell Momma or Papa what you want to see okay? And you always stay with one of us. No running off. And quiet voices." Peta reminded her of the shopping rules.

"Kay Momma. I bees good. Papa, you pick Addie up peas?" Addie said as she stood between her parents.

"Yup, come here sweet heart." Maks said picking her up and settling her on his hip. They headed in and began walking through the store as Addie looked at costume after costume. Both of her parents were always surprised at her focus when she was picking something out. She liked to look at it all and decide slowly before making a decision. Finally they had it narrowed down to four costumes, Rapunzel, a flower, Belle, and a witch costume.

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