A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

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This one is for 123Janae123 I hope you love it!

Adeline - Age - 5 Years old.

Maks and Peta excitedly headed into their daughters bedroom. It was her birthday and they had a huge surprise for her. They had planned on letting her sleep but they were both too excited to wait much longer so here they were in her room getting ready to wake up the now 5 year old tiny girl.

"Addie girl, it's time to get up." Maks said settling down on one side of the bed while Peta took the other.

"Yeah sweet pea, it's a special day." Peta said as she gently ran her hand through her daughters crazy curls that matched her father's coloring. She smiled as she watched her eyes flutter slightly as she began to stir.

"Momma." Her sleepy voice echoed out as she searched for her mother in the dimly lit room.

"I'm right here baby." Peta said soothingly feeling a twinge of guilt for waking up her baby.

"We cuddle?" She said reaching her arm out for her mother.

"Of course baby." Peta said twisting her body and laying down next to her little girl. Addie snuggled into her mother content to lay there with her as the sleepiness of the night faded away.

"Can I cuddle too?" Maks said finally making his presence known.

"Papa?!" Addie said clearly surprised, she hadn't heard her father in there when her mom had came in.

"I've been here the whole time."

"Cuddle me and momma please?" Addie said turning just enough so that she could see her father and she batted her long lashes at him.

"Of course." He said moving to lay next to her. She shifted around and tucked herself backwards into Peta's chest as she reached for her Papa. He looped his arm around both of his girls before placing a kiss on Addie's head. She snuggled into both of her parents as they lay there together.

"You guys waked me up." Addie said after she had enjoyed her cuddles for awhile.

"Woke baby, we woke you up." Peta corrected gently. Addie's vocabulary and speech was more than on point but sometimes she reverted to some of the statements she always said as a toddler.

"And we woke you up cause today is a special day." Maks said looking down at the confused look on his daughter's face. Suddenly she realized what the day was and her face changed into a huge smile.

"It's my birthday!" She said as she sat up out of the bed quickly.

"Yes it is, Happy Birthday baby." Peta said pulling her daughter into her and hugging her tight. She let her go only for Maks to sweep her up.

"Happy Birthday Addie girl." Maks said as he stood up and settled her on his hip kissing her cheekc, making her giggle.

"Papa made you a special birthday breakfast and then we have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?! Can I have it now?" Addie said as she clapped her hands.

"After breakfast sweetheart. Come on, it's already ready so it'll be quick okay?" Maks said as he saw the momentary flash of disappointment cross her facce.

"Okay, we'll eat fast alright?" Addie said as she bounced in Maks's arms.

"Alright, come on you two." Peta said as she lead the group out of the room. They headed downstairs to the kitchen table where they had purple, blue, silver, and pink balloons tied to Addie's chair.

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