Part 1: Old Multiverse, Chapter 8; Fallen from Grace

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It was yet another day on the beautiful planet, the giant facility stood on the planet, blocking the view of any on-looker, the sun shining its beautiful rays into it, and a woman standing still in her bedroom. Mary didn't need to sleep, or well she didn't have the same conception of sleep anymore since she only needed electrical energy to keep going. She was simply sitting on her bed doing nothing until everyone woke up. The night was silent and still, yet boring and uneventful. Ever since the operation she has felt a tickling sense on the back of her skull, something that was trying to influence her. She didn't know what it was quite yet but she could feel it, that something was trying to order her to do something that she couldn't quite understand yet. However, she simply shrugged this off as some secondary effect of the operation and simply thought of other stuff or played around silently in the dark abyss of darkness that surrounded her.

After she felt like some doors adjacent to hers were opening, she went to the dining room and waited for her friends to wake up. She could just go herself to do the work but she would prefer to wait for everyone and start it more formally. Her friends did come eventually, and they sat down to talk as usual.

"So, Mary... How are you feeling?" - Jacob asked, a tone of preoccupation visible in his voice but ignored.

"Good, good. I feel like I've rested like 10 hours and got perfect sleep, yet I didn't." - Mary replied, amazed at one of the thousands of perks this enhancement gave her.

"That's sweet! Soon we'll be riding the multiverse of its problems, not only the rebels but any other else that arises!" - Jane said, excited about this one event.

"Well suffice it to say that we've all done a wonderful job, I think this is the best solution!" - Said Michael, as he ate some tacos and drank cola.

"Yeah I feel awesome and I'm so eager to test around these new enhancements!" - Mary replied, playing with her fingers.

"Hehe... yeah." - Jacob also said, with yet again a tone of sadness, nervousness and guilt in his voice, which was picked up by the group.

"Jacob... is everything alright?" - Asked Mary, preoccupied with his friend's well-being.

"Y-Yeah it's nothing Mary, I'm just a bit nervous about this change for you and what could it mean." - Jacob lied, as his tone was betraying him more and more.

"You sure? Do you want anything?" - Mary asked yet again, but her request was denied.

"No no! It's fine, it's definitely fine don't worry about me." - Frantically said Jacob as he looked to the other side and ate a part of his pizza.

"Hmmm alright then cutie." - Mary said, which flustered Jacob to the extreme and confused Michael and Jane, but they shrugged it off. Perhaps Mary and Jacob were already dating and they just didn't know it yet, those two were very united after all.

On the other hand, Mary had no idea why she had just said that, it's like it came out of her system automatically like she had no control over it and it was just an impulse. Due to this, Mary also blushed a bit and looked quite embarrassed. As everyone in the dining room finished their meals, Nol entered the gigantic room and had something to say.

"Greetings everyone, I'm happy to announce that today begins the functioning of Project B.S.O.D. That is to say, it will begin removing the trash from the most populated planets!" - Nol exhilaratedly announced, as everyone there cheered for the success of Project B.S.O.D.
"Please young one, come with me." - Nol said to Mary, as she followed him to the room where the Lightning Cannon was being held.

"So I'm using the Lightning Cannon I suppose?" - Mary asked, having predicted what she'd use to get rid of the trash.

"Correct. You will use the Lightning Cannon to annihilate most of the trash. It was already charged to the maximum to allow you to take care of most of the trash." - Nol replied, having Mary more thrilled for the experience she was going to have.

"Amazing! So how will I get to the planets then?" - Mary happily asked.

"We will go there with a ship and you will fly down to each of the planets, you might also have to deal with the trash that is around space that is around the mass of a planet." - Stated Nol, as he began to use the stairs to get to the Lightning Cannon.

"Oooh, that's nice! When do we go?!" - Asked Mary to Nol, who was already directing Mary to her weapon.

"In 10 minutes we will depart, do you need to do anything before we go?" - Nol asked, as Mary thought for a second.

"Nope, I've got everything I need already." - Mary stated, as she grabbed the Enormous Cannon.

"Sweet!" - Shouted Mary, as the two began to make their way outside of the facility, where everyone there was already waiting for them.

A huge ship was seen from the sky descending to the lands, as it landed, a gigantic backdoor opened, which was Mary's signal to go. She walked right inside the ship and waved goodbye to her friends as it took off into the blackness of space. Mary sat down as she left her Cannon near her, not like anyone could steal it but she liked it a lot and wanted to be close to it, it looked cool she thought.

The ship stopped right on the Exosphere of a planet. Mary looked down at it thanks to one of the windows, as Nol walked to her.

"Miss Mary, your first mission will be to land on the main city of the Trutantican Continent of this planet. It's a gigantic city which can be seen from here. The rebels have put a gigantic cube of trash in the middle of this city which covers most of it." - Nol said, as he gave a paper to Mary.
"Here are the exact measurements, density and volume of this cube, as well as the amount of energy you need to set the energy to that quantity and shoot the cube with the Lightning Cannon." - Nol finished to explain, as Mary witnessed the City visible from space and got ready.

"Alright! Let's do it then!" - Mary said as she grabbed her Lightning Cannon and got ready.

Mary followed one of the astronauts of the ship, as she was taken to the door exit while they had special suits for space. At first, she was scared of space, but as she walked off she could perfectly breathe and move into space with propellers that were built on her feet. She fell down the ship and from space, she could devise the gigantic cube of trash that covered most of the city. Mary began her descent...

When she landed in the city, it was desolate, no one was there and a putrid smell invaded her nostrils. However, when she decided to look behind her, she saw a gigantic cube of trash that covered 90% of the city. Mary put the exact amount of energy that she needed to use within the Lightning Cannon's touch screen, and she aimed at the cube. She pulled the trigger and a huge white beam of light surrounded by countless rainbow-like lightnings was shot straight at the cube. When the lightning hit its target, it began to pierce into it, going to the center at undecipherable speeds and then, an explosion happened. The explosion was so massive that it could be seen from space, and a huge cloud of dust covered Mary.

When the cloud of dust was gone, the cube was gone, and the terrain where the cube was held was flattened. There wasn't a crater, it was merely flattened like a smooth and perfect surface. Mary was shocked yet thrilled by this power. Not only did the mechanism of the Lightning Cannon make it so the explosion didn't destroy anything else, but it had just targeted only the cube, which amazed her even more. Due to the smell, she didn't want to be there anymore, so she activated those same propellers she used before and went straight into space with a single leap. It took her only 1 second to reach the spaceship.

When she was there, everyone was looking at her from the window with sheer amazement yet they were proud. Mary entered the spaceship and everyone cheered for her.

"Well done! One of the most massive masses of trash was just obliterated in a matter of minutes by you! Miss. Mary!" - Nol said whilst he shook Mary's hand.

"Oh it was nothing really!" - Said Mary, as she finished to stretch Nol's hand.

"Well then, shall we move to a bigger target?" - Asked Nol, She nodded her head as he gave her another paper with a higher amount of energy that needed to be inputted. This planet they had just visited was in another universe completely, and they were now traveling to another one, which was Universe 37.

They arrived at a certain destination of the 37th Universe and as Mary looked out of the window, she caught the size of a planet entirely made out of trash. This surprised Mary, as she hadn't thought that The Rebels had the amount of manpower to achieve such a thing, yet there it was. She went into the same door she used the first time and opened it, facing the gigantic planet of trash. The planet must've been at least the size of Jupiter, and if there was any kind of air that allowed her to smell in space, the smell would've been putrid. 

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