Part 2: Life throughout the Omniverse, Chapter 1; The Voice

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A new day came along within the beautiful forest that extended seemingly throughout the entire continent, as birds were chirping, animals were jumping left and right, flowers were blooming and the lights of the sun illuminated every single thing within that forest. A woman was sitting on the doorless frame of the shack, watching the marvelous view for hours and thinking about everything that had happened up until then.

Mary looked at the container that "The Voice" had given to her, it seemed just as new and the porkchop was still the same even over time. She pondered about the true meaning of that box for hours, it didn't seem like it was fake or just a part of her crooked imagination which had been altered by the operation. It seemed like it was as real as the air she was breathing and as real as the environment she was seeing.

The woman heard footsteps behind her and instinctively turned around, but it was just her friend, Jane, who was already awake.

"Hey Mary, good morning." - Jane stated with less enthusiasm than yesterday, it seemed that it was just a mere byproduct of seeing her alive in this place.

"Heya." - Simply replied Mary, forgetting about the container she had the moment she saw Jane.

"Uhh... what'cha got there?" - Pointed Jane to the container, to which Mary put it in front of Jane.

"This?" - Mary asked, trying to know whether the container was truly real or not.

"Yeah, that... IS THAT FOOD?!" - Jane thrillingly asked, snatching the container from Mary's hand and opening it like a wild animal who hasn't eaten in days and devouring the porkchop.

"THAT WAS AMAZING! HOW'D YOU DO THIS?!" - Jane asked yet again to the surprise of Mary as she didn't think it was real at first. Jane's eyes were wide open and she had a huge smile.

"Uhhh... I cooked it?" - Mary replied, not sure what to answer to Jane's enthusiastic behavior.

"I DIDN'T KNOW YOUR COOKING SKILLS WERE THIS GOOD!" - Jane exclaimed, to which Mary shrugged in a bit of confusion.

"Guess I truly have a secret talent..." - Mary replied with not that much enthusiasm, trying to hide the fact that she did not cook it in the first place.

"Thanks a lot..." - Jane thanked Mary for the amazing pork chop, it was just exactly how she liked it and it was the best one she had ever had.
"So, ready to get to work?" - Asked Jane, which caught the attention of Mary.

"Yeah sure, I should probably grab some more stuff to eat, there weren't that many animals in the night but I think there'd be more in the morning." - Mary replied, to which Jane nodded her head.

"I'll work on the energy source and some sort of lighting as well as a door, could you come help me if I need a hand with heavy lifting?" - Asked Jane to her partner, to which she agreed.

"Yeah sure, just call me when you need to and I'll come as soon as I can." - Mary replied to her friend's petition, and Jane smiled at her.

Mary went into the forest to look for animals and maybe vegetables or fruits they could use to harvest, and Jane unloaded her generator and prepared everything for it. However, a thought never left Mary's head, she was suffering. The operation made it harder for her to concentrate on a certain task without remembering Jacob, those thoughts came in with a lot of strength and sometimes made her stop in her tracks, she had to concentrate more on not doing something foolish than to do basic things like walk or breathe. These thoughts of lust came in randomly and she couldn't predict them, she only had to control them and not do something stupid, that's it.

"Problems with your thoughts?" - A voice asked. The same voice that had visited her yesterday came back into her head yet again.

"You again?" - Mary asked to herself, to which the voice responded sarcastically.

"Well of course I would just leave you here all by yourself and old me wouldn't have someone to get along with." - The voice replied, sending some chills down Mary's spine with that comment.

"What do you want now?" - Mary inquired as she was walking down the forest, looking left and right to see if she could find anything of use.

"Well, I just wanted to check on my friend! I reckon you liked my company yesterday, no?" - The voice questioned Mary, as she indeed did like his company in the solitude of the night.

"Uh... friend?" - Asked Mary, trying not to reveal how she felt toward the friendly little voice.

"Well yeah, aren't we friends?" - The voice replied happily to Mary's confused question.

"How can I be friends with a random voice that has no body?" - Mary yet again asked, to which the voice got a bit offended by that comment.

"Well you certainly don't need a body to be friends with people, miss." - The voice explained with a funnily angry tone.

"I...I guess you're right." - Replied Mary to the voice in her head, to which it simply chuckled.

"Well, you seem like a quite friendly person yourself, so are we friends?" - The voice questioned, convincing Mary to a possible friendship.

"Yeah, I don't have anyone here besides Jane so you could be a good talk." - Mary replied, to which the voice was just thrilled by her response.

"Excellent! Well, as a friend, I kind of wanted to give you a gift to showcase my friendship to you, is that okay Ms.Mary?" - The voice inquired in a friendly manner, ultimately convincing Mary to accept his "gift".

"Huh, you haven't even told me your name and you're already fancying me? Very well then, hit me." - Mary replied, trying to sound brave to the voice.

When Mary finished her sentence, she felt the environment starting to "liquify", no, more accurately, it was starting to change. The environment that she was just standing in was changing right in front of her eyes. After the environment changed, it was a plain landscape full of... food? Non-sentient food and sentient food too.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" - Mary expressed in utter shock to the new environment she was in, even the food was made out of some food she couldn't really get the name of.

"As your friend, I have decided that the best gift I could give to you is infinite food! You see, this multiverse is made out of edible food, even the sentient beings here are made out of that same food, though I wouldn't recommend eating them." - The mysterious voice stated, as Mary laid her eyes upon the cursed realm she was just brought in.

"HOW DO I GET BACK?!" - Mary frantically asked as she looked everywhere rapidly in an attempt to escape.

"Relax dear, we can go back at any time." The voice told Mary calmly as that calmed Mary as well.

"This doesn't make any sense, how is there food that doesn't rot or... How is there food that is sentient without a brain?!" - Mary asked trying to understand the nature of the realm they were both in.

"You see, that is the true nature of the omniverse!" - The voice replied to her, further explaining what he meant.
"In the omniverse, everything that was, is and can be possible exists somewhere in the form of a multiverse. However, what you consider "impossible" may be possible to other beings in other multiverses." - The voice announced, to which Mary didn't truly understand what he meant.

"I don't get it, so anything is possible?" - Mary asked to the voice, to which it agreed.

"Yes. Picture this: You have your own system of logic where certain things are possible and certain things are not. Each multiverse may have a different system of logic which has impossible things for you, but not for them. They may as well consider somethings impossible and your system of logic considers it possible." - The voice announced yet again, furthering his explanation into the omniverse.
"For anything possible or impossible in all systems of logic it exists out there in the omniverse as something physical, something that exists." - The voice finished to explain.

"I think I get it now, so we could say that every possible and non-possible thing exists?" - Mary replied to the explanation of the voice.

"Yes basically. Possible things also include mathematical structures, though I don't really recommend you go in those-" - The voice tried to say before getting cut out by Mary.

"OH! OH! CAN I SEE?!" - Mary asked frantically, to which the voice sighed.

"Alright." - The voice stated as the environment melted before their eyes and changed yet again. This time the environment was a strange mass with strange colors shifting left and right. Mary had never seen before. This environment was rapidly changing due to its nature, and it was outright weird in all senses.
Mary began to get a headache from all the movement, everywhere she looked was the environment moved, it was the work of other dimensions in tandem with the normal three dimensions she was used to.

"G-Get me out of here, my-my head...!" - Mary yelped in help, as the environment yet again melted away and went back to the food one.
"What...What was that we were just in?" - Mary asked to the voice inside her head.

"It's what you mortals call a Hilbert Space." - The voice replied to her, to which Mary remembered one of her many lessons from college about the subject.

"So it was a space that had more than 3 dimensions? That makes sense then." - Mary gathered that her 3-Dimensional Perception wasn't ready to gaze upon Higher-Dimensions and that it would simply confuse her and give her a headache from all the movement and the fluidity of the place around her.

"That one was an Infinite-Dimensional one, with so many dimensions it's obvious that your puny 3-Dimensional Brain couldn't handle all that movement." - The voice replied, to which Mary agreed.
"Heh, you should get some food for your friend back there, you have all the time in the world." - The voice stated, to which Mary walked into inanimate food that was simply laying around on the meaty and gross floor. The voice had made another container for her yet again, and this food would not rot thanks to the nature of this surrealist place.

Mary would go on to collect various types of foods with a lot of vitamins and nutrients so their survival was ensured, she didn't like to walk on this greasy floor nor breathe this air full of weird odors. She got food and various drinks and simply walked away. She couldn't stand the weird smell of the ground beneath her, it almost seemed like the planet itself was alive.

"Alright, please just get me out of here." - Mary begged before the environment started to liquefy and they were quickly back again in that beautiful forest.

The woman alongside her weird "friend" walked toward the shack with all the food they needed for at least a month. Mary hadn't gone too far into the woods as the voice talked to her quickly after she left the shack.

Mary arrived at the shack where Jane was drawing some blueprints to the generators's cables before she spotted Mary.

"Oh, Mary! You're back!" - Jane cheered before she noticed the monstrous amount of food she had in her hands.
"WAIT, HOW'D YOU GET ALL OF THAT?! AND IT'S ALREADY COOKED?!" - Jane hollered yet again, running toward Mary and observing all of the containers and food she brought.

"Yeah, I worked really hard for it." - Replied Mary in an uncomfortable tone, trying to hide yet again the lies that existed beneath her words.

"Amazing! Now we'll be good for weeks!" - Jane cheered, enthusiastic and happy for all the food and resources Mary got.
"I also worked pretty hard on the generator and I'm figuring out the cables, it should be finished in like two hours?" - Added Jane, giving out an estimate about her work.

"That's neat! Need any help?" - Asked Mary, before getting a reply from her friend.

"Well yes actually, could you move the generator in the shack? Maybe we could get a room for it later but now we should have it set up as fast as possible." - Jane replied to her friend's question, as she began to walk to the generator and easily lift it inside the shack where she gently put it on the ground.
"Great! Now I'll set up the cables for you, don't worry about it I think you've done a lot for today." - Exclaimed Jane, it hadn't even been 5 minutes and Mary somehow found tons of food, maybe the project had a built-in food maker or something?

"Right, I'll be outside." - Mary stated as she went outside the shack and sat on the soft grass beneath her.

"Uh, where's my credit?" - The voice yet again asked her, a bit angry at Mary's lies.

"Dude, what the hell am I supposed to say, a magical voice just made me travel into other dimensions and gave me free food as well as various wanted truths from existence?" - Mary sarcastically asked the voice.

"Well uhhhh... Yeah!" - The voice replied, trying to be against Mary's side in a jokingly manner.

"...Hey, what's your name anyway? You've been helping me a lot but you haven't even told me your name yet." - Mary stated, trying to get more information out of the voice's identity.

"What should my name be to you huh?" - The voice asked Mary. Mary thought for a second, but she had no clue what to name some metaphysical-weird voice that kept appearing out of nowhere.

"Schizo-ey." - Answered Mary jokingly, to which the voice laughed at that joke.

The voice and Mary kept talking, getting to know "each other". The voice didn't reveal anything about himself, but this conversation served Mary as an escapism from reality, an escapism to vent out her frustrations and inner desires. The voice was a good listener and it always gave good advice to anything Mary had to say, ask or vent about.

The time went on and they kept talking, Mary hadn't even noticed that it was already night-time. When Mary noticed, she decided to look into the shack to see the progress of the generator.

"Oh hey Mary, you took a real rest there didn't you?" - Jane questioned jokingly, to which Mary simply awkwardly nodded to that comment.
"Here... there... and done! You caught me just as I finished setting it up, I decided to cut corners and do the electrical outlet today, so it's already ready to go." - Announced Jane, pointing to the electrical outlet near the corner of the wall.

The generator's cables went inside the wall where the outlet was, it wasn't a spectacular design but they didn't have much to work with anyway, so Jane went with the easy way and simply made it that way to cut time. Jane got a cable from one of her pockets and connected it to the outlet, and then signaled Mary to turn around. She connected her to that cable, putting her in a recharge mode.

"Huh, I never noticed I had that." - Mary explained, surprised at never acknowledging that part of her on her back.

"Well if you have a battery then you need to have a way to charge that battery, y'know?" - Added Jane, proud of herself and the set-up of her generator.

"Really convenient that the random cable you brought with you was compatible with me." - Mary sarcastically said.

"Well it was designed in a way that most of our cables from our multiverse were compatible, so any charger could work at any time." - Explained Jane, signaling the cable and Mary's back.

"...Now what?" - Asked Mary, to which Jane simply laid on the ground again, tired from all the work she had to do.

"I'm going to sleep, this was a tiring day and we should really get a bed." - Jane simply stated as she laid there and began to sleep.

It was already midnight and Mary didn't need to sleep, she never needed to. She decided that she'd just close her eyes and think about everything that happened today. Today she entered other dimensions and interacted with a mysterious voice that claimed to be a "spectator" of her life, a "fan" of sorts. What Mary didn't know is that it was quite fishy that a mysterious voice helped you a lot, what does he truly want from her and Jane? Mary began to try to understand everything that had happened thus far, including her failures in life and specifically this day, this weird day.

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