Part 2: Life throughout the Omniverse, Chapter 4; Ascension

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The night was still and quiet, almost as if everything was frozen in time. The wind wasn't blowing, the animals were hiding and the moon was naked showing off its light toward the forest.
Suddenly, a sound.

Mary got up from the charger and unplugged herself, already decided on what she was going to do. She was going to kill Jane but also save her, save her and save the others as per The Voice's words. Mary went outside of the shack and into the woods, she walked for some minutes until she found a beautiful flower that sat upon a bush. Mary swiftly grabbed the flowers and then went back into the shack silently to put them in there. Jane was deeply asleep so she could work easily.

Next, Mary decided to hunt for an animal, she considered each of them cute and having to kill one hurt her heart to an unspeakable degree, but it had to be done for the greater good.

In the deep woods, Mary found a tiny squirrel that was hiding, it was shaking from fear upon seeing Mary. 

"I'm sorry." - Mary cried as the little squirrel tried to escape but Mary's enhanced reflexes didn't even let the poor squirrel touch the ground. Mary crushed its head with the utmost remorse, she gave it a quick death to not make it suffer. Mary promised herself that it would save it too.

Lastly, Jane. Mary knew what she had to do, but she didn't have the courage enough to do it just yet, she needed to prepare. She stood there for a few minutes, trying to get the courage to do it, but her arm never got close to Jane in that period. Mary was in doubt, she didn't want to hurt her beloved friend, not after all they've been through.

Jane cared about her, was this the correct way of repaying her? She then thought of the future, of the multiverse she would rebuild, of the voice's sweet promises and it calmed her down.

Only then, the courage and the memories invaded Mary's mind as another outburst from her broken mind came into place and she finally decided to do it... but.
Jane quickly grabbed Mary's arm which shocked her, she didn't even know Jane was awake and waiting for her like that. Jane tried to get Mary's arm off of her but it was no use, Mary's strength was just too much.

"WHY! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" - Jane exclaimed, scared and crying for her own life.

"I-I have no other choice, I can save them all with this." - Mary proclaimed, getting Jane more anxious, Mary truly fell to insanity, she thought.

"THIS ISN'T THE SOLUTION TO ANYTHING! PLEASE!" - Jane screamed, trying to get Mary off of her but to no avail.

"This is the only thing that can bring them back, please just let me do this." - Mary tried to argue back, trying to get Jane on her side to comply. One small part of her didn't want to do this at all, but it was overridden by the desire to see everyone again.

"P-PLEASE-" - Jane tried to say but Mary's arm quickly cut Jane's neck swiftly, giving her a quick death. Mary didn't want her to suffer, she didn't want anyone to suffer so she gave them a painless death.

"I'm sorry, this will all be over soon." - Mary peeped as she looked at Jane's dead body that lay motionless on the ground. The woman who was full of life just lay there now, without that fire that characterized every living thing.

"You've done the right thing." - The voice cheered in her head, but Mary couldn't help but cry, her spirit being broken by this.
"Remember, you will see her again, you will be able to get everyone back." - The voice added, trying to calm Mary down, which worked.

"You're right... I have to continue, there's no going back." - Mary replied to the voice, there was no one watching them so she'd just talk like she was talking to another person, not inside of her mind this time.

"You've got everything, place them each in a form that resembles a triangle, and you should stand in the middle of it." - The voice stated as Mary began to effortlessly move the body, the plant and the squirrel to form a triangle, in which she stood there in the middle.

Mary took a deep breath and exhaled, she didn't know what would happen after, but if this was what she had to do to get everyone back, she'd sacrifice everything she had to get them back, even her own life.

"Opto me ab essentia mea, a munere meo liberare et ab omnibus, quae me huic mundo devinciunt, ut inconstans et ut aeternum, extra omnia et independentia existat!" - Mary screamed the encantation for the ritual, but nothing happened.

For a moment, her heart skipped a beat, did the voice lie? Did she do something wrong? No, surely the voice would tell her if she did something wrong... until suddenly.

The whole place, no, the whole planet she was standing in was shaking. The ritual was a success. Weird lights began to fill the shack, the lights engulfed everything including Jane's body and everything she knew. Then, Mary felt like she was just thrown upward with an immense speed, nothing she had ever felt before. This was unlike her flight or anything else, this was so much more... The night is not the night any more and she lost track of time, only god can know what would happen to her next...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Part 2: END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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