Part 2: Life throughout the Omniverse, Chapter 0; New Destiny

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There was a beautiful landscape of a forest that extended for miles and miles to no end. The trees were a beautiful dark green, the sky was a gorgeous light blue and the grass was smooth and sweet. Some mountains could be seen at a distance, and yet it only expanded upon the amazing forest. Animals such as rabbits were jumping around happily, fishes and other such marine animals were swimming without a worry in the world in this wonderful place...

A black triangle appeared out of thin air, taller than an adult male. The triangle opened one of its sides and from it came out Mary. The teleportation device shrunk back to its normal size yet again, being the size of a hand. Mary looked around, trying to gather herself and see which place she was. This forest looked too good to be something from one of the 386 universes, most of the planets that could host life were vastly changed thanks to the cities and various human editions that brought.

"Well... this is new." - Mary commented on the lack of buildings and actual nature, as well as the unpolluted air.

The young Mary began to walk in a random direction in the forest, she didn't know where she was and didn't recognize this place, but she kept walking anyway. She walked and walked, seeing the beautiful scenery in her eyes that Mother Nature had constructed, there were precious insects and bugs, everything was just so "natural" to her. Her whole life she had been living in a city and she never got the opportunity to go out into the wild.

She had been walking for half an hour now and Mary kept seeing the same scenery repeating over and over again. It was gorgeous at first but now it was beginning to be a bit tiring. She walked until she stumbled upon one singular point in the forest which was devoid of any trees.
This place was a small hill, there was a spacious place where a possible shack could be built. In this hill, there was a beautiful view of the lake, where the fish were eagerly jumping and swimming. The fauna was visible from all sides, the trees were abundant and animals such as tiny bugs, rabbits, squirrels and others were running amok the place. This was nature on its definition.
There were plants everywhere, flowers and other so fauna that would amaze anyone that just so happened to stroll there. The grass was still green and it was tall, very tall all around.

"..." - Mary did not say anything, but she knew that if she tried to interact with other civilizations in this planet, it would be quite troublesome due to her state of mind.

With each hand she grabbed two massive trees and pulled them off from their roots, it was basically like grabbing paper to her. She began to chop up the wood into nice refined wood that would make herself wooden slats and wooden crossbars. Mary didn't know exactly how to build a shack or some sort of home but a place where she would not get wet and be able to charge herself was all that she needed, it didn't need to be that spacious. Some more wood here and there and the tiny shack was done, it wasn't a fancy design or something like that it's just what she needed and what she could do. Mary now needed some sort of power source and electrical outlet to recharge herself. Thankfully she didn't need much energy but it was going to be hard to find some sort of energy source.

The shack had a small roof and it was overall pretty small, but it was enough for Mary to fit in there alone. It was all made from wood and it hadn't any peculiar characteristics to its name, but it should be enough for Mary to just live in.

She decided to go investigate throughout the wilderness, but she found no valuable resource to her even as she walked and walked. Now, Mary didn't want to fly as that would waste her battery faster, and if her battery ran out she would be unconscious for an indefinite amount of time, so that's a risk she did not want to take.

It was already the dawn of night and she had only found water, animals and random rocks which were not of value to her. Mary decided to head back to the shack as she didn't want to get lost. For the shack she hadn't built a door, if any wild animal like some bear tried to enter and attack her she could easily incapacitate said animal without any issue. Just as she was about to enter her shack to put some sort of light source, a voice behind her echoed through her head and seemingly the whole forest.

"Mary?" - Asked a familiar voice, which she instantly caught onto.

"J-Jane?" - She asked as she quickly turned back to see Jane. Jane was severely malnourished and she had scars all over her body which could easily be infected, her clothes were all dirty and tattered. Mary also noticed that she also had a backpack.

"MARY! I DIDN'T KNOW I'D FIND YOU HERE I'M SO GLAD I FOUND YOU!" - Jane told to Mary as she rushed toward the taller woman and hugged her, which made Mary get some goosebumps.

"I wouldn't recommend touching me, but it's nice to see you too Jane." - Mary added as she pushed Jane off but was still happy to see her. She didn't want Jane to touch her as it felt like that same "lustful" feeling came back every time

"U-Uh how'd you get here?" - Asked Jane with nervousness and a tone of weakness in her voice.

"I used one of the Teleporting Devices to get a chance at getting out of the multiverse where I would be safe away from the Black Hole." - Mary replied, as she signaled her triangle with a finger of her hand.

"Oh! I also used a Teleporting Device and I thought the same thing, maybe that's why we were sent to the same world." - Jane explained, as Mary caught onto Jane's reasoning.

"Yeah... I guess..." - Mary uttered, as she was still saddened and anxious about this whole ordeal. Jane looked at her with a solemn look and got close to her, comforting her.

"I-I know this is hard for the both of us but now that we're both together, we have a higher chance at survival." - Announced Jane, trying to get the positive out of this situation.

"Uh, what'cha got there?" - Stated Mary, pointing to Jane's backpack.

"Oh this?" - Jane stated as she opened her backpack, which contained plenty of items like cables, generators, water bottles, books and other essential items for survival.
"After I got a hold of the Teleporting Device I went home and I grabbed a bunch of items that would serve me to survive to wherever I went, including essential books of survival." - Jane stated, as she pulled out the items from her bag.

"Wait, a generator? That's great news!" - Mary cheered in a thrilled tone.

"Huh?" - Jane was confused at this remark from her friend.

"Well, we will able to have light and I could recharge myself, I'm mostly energy-based and my battery is at 19% so this should be able to keep the both of us for a long time." - Stated Mary, as she looked at the generator.

"Yeah, but we'll have to set up the electric outlets and whatnot." - Jane replied, trying to catch a better glimpse of the empty shack.

"That's the easy part." - Mary stated.
"We both have cables and we could easily fabricate an electrical outlet, or heck, a ton of them." - Added Mary, seeing all of Jane's cables.

"Have you been able to find food? I've only been able to get water and cleanse it but not food, the animals just run away from me and I can't catch them." - Complained Jane, with a sad and weakened tone yet hungry at the same time.

"Well, food isn't a problem for me but I could easily catch some if you want, it's really easy." - Mary replied, which made Jane happy and excited.

"H-Huh!? Really!? For me!?" - Jane announced, as she was happy by her friend's help.

"Yeah, I have nothing else to do so if we share it'd be the best shot at survival." - Mary replied, as her friend was happy by these news.

"W-Well maybe not now, it's already midnight and I'm tired, I haven't had a good sleep in a long time." - Jane replied as Mary looked around to see where she could sleep.

"It seems you're going to have to sleep on the ground if that's okay." - Announced Mary, but that seemed to not stop her friend.

"I've been sleeping on grass and rocks with all sorts of bugs around me, this is like an upgrade!" - Jane enthusiastically exclaimed whilst laying on the ground ready to sleep.

"Alright then, good night Jane." - Told Mary to Jane whilst looking at her.

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