Part 3: Venturer to the Beyond, Chapter 2; An Unfortunate Meeting

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Trigger Warning: Explicit Content

Mary had been watching the stars for quite a while now, and The Voice stood there silently, not judging her or anything like that, however, one particular comment would interrupt this watching session very abruptly.

"You do know that Jacob is still alive, right?" - The voice simply commentated, which made Mary open her eyes.

Mary had completely forgotten about Jacob, all of this new knowledge and events made her partially ignore Jacob's existence and that he was still around.

"I believe he deserves a punishment." - The voice said, gaining Mary's attention with that comment.

"Like...?" - Mary asked, trying to know what the voice's true intentions were.

"He was the cause for the destruction of your multiverse and risked everyone's lives, he doesn't deserve to be in the new world and you could torture him as payback." - The voice stated, which got Mary thinking.

From Mary's perspective, Jacob did this out of malice and lustfulness. She didn't acknowledge it at the time but for her, it was clear now, that Jacob had to pay for this act, as a goddess, she thought that one of her thoughts would be to judge others's actions, and this would be the perfect beginning to understand the morals she had to take. Ultimately, Mary decided that she would punish Jacob for his crimes and would not allow him to enter the new world she would build, leaving him to rot in another part of The Omniverse. Such punishment was fit for her.

However, Mary had no idea as to what punishment she could initially perpetrate on Jacob, Mary could easily do whatever she wanted to Jacob with her powers, she could turn him into an amalgamation that suffered every second, making his brain overridden with pain or simply kill him.

"An eye for an eye..." - Mary vaguely stated, but the voice already knew what she was alluding to.

"Ohhh I see, so you're going to punish him by executing a lustful act on him?" - The voice questioned, to which Mary's response was positive.

"I will not do it." - Stated Mary as she began to think of a being, the "executioner" that would uphold the important task of doing the actual punishment.

Mary didn't want to touch Jacob even with a 10-foot long stick, so she decided to make someone do that for her. The punishment would be in the same vein as the act in question, lustful. The tall woman began to concentrate on a being that would come to reality. She didn't know how to make complex beings like humans so she decided to keep it simple, a mannequin that somehow moved on its own and didn't need any sort of sustenance. It would also have unnatural strength, speed and reflexes. However, its most peculiar trait is that it could shapeshift and bend reality on a minor scale, creating things that weren't there or interrupting the senses of other beings.

After brainstorming, Mary began to create the being. This was by far the most complex thing she had to do, a being that had powers and needed no sustenance whatsoever.

It took Mary a couple of hours to actually bring it to reality, most of the time it had severe failures like having the undesired mind such as a fearful mindset, other attempts were failures simply because the powers were either too much or too little, sometimes it wasn't a mannequin, sometimes it had free will or no will at all.

Finally, after several tries, Mary came up with the idealistic executioner, such as what she had planned. This mannequin being was intelligent yet was more than willing to punish anyone, it could shapeshift, and alter reality and since it was a mannequin, it had no gender and it needed no sustenance at all.

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