Chapter 26

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What happened? I opened my eyes to see I was in a white room? I looked around. Wasn't I in court a minute ago?
"Your awake?" I looked over to see Rafael.
"Rafael." I said weakly.
"Don't speak. Take it easy love." Rafael said.
"W-why am I here? The case?"
"You went into labor love."
"But the case."
"Well worry about that later. First we need to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine. Just tired. Are the babies okay?"
"They are fine. They are in the NICU."
"I want to see them!" I said.
"I'll see if we can. Just try and get some rest. I'll be back in a bit." Rafael then left and I tried to get some rest.

Rafael's POV
I went to the front desk, hoping to get some answers.
"Hello. My wife just gave birth and she wants an update on our twins."
"Let me get a doctor."
"Thank you." I said and walked back into my wife's room.
"How are they?" Courtney asked as I sat down by her.
"You should be sleeping."
"I'm just too worried. They were born too early. I didn't protect them." Courtney said beginning to cry. I held her for a good 10 minutes until the doctor came in.
"How are my babies?" Courtney asked frantically.
"They are fine. They are having a little trouble breathing on their own, so we are going to keep them in the NICU for a while."
"Can we see them?"
"Yes. Let me just get a wheelchair for your wife." The doctor said and came a few minutes later. I helped my wife into the wheel chair and as we left our room we saw Olivia and the squad.
"Hey. How you feeling?" Olivia said to my wife.
"I'm okay. A little sore and tired but okay."
"We're heading to the NICU to see the twins." I said.
"Okay. We'll wait here." Olivia said.
My wife and I were then at lead to the NICU and given scrubs. The doctor then lead us over to incubators. One little boy had blonde hair, the other had dark brown hair.
"I'll give you both some privacy." The doctor said and left.
"So what are we going to name them?" Rafael asked.
"Oliver Antonio Barba." I said caressing my baby boy with brown hair's hand.
"And this one?" Rafael said caressing the other hand.
"I don't know about a first name but I want Finn to be the middle name." I said
"He looks like a Milo." I said
"Milo Finn Barba. I like it." Courtney said.
We then spent a little longer with the twins. I took some pictures and we headed back to the waiting room.
"So how are they?" Amanda asked.
"There fighter's." Courtney said.
"Just like their mother." Olivia said.
"So what did you name them?" Nick asked.
"You'll find out when they're out of the NICU and you officially meet them. But Rafael did take some pictures." Courtney said and I showed some pictures.

A few weeks later the twins were ready to come home. Embry Blackwolf only got 5 years and a restraining order, but it was better than nothing I guess. I would protect Courtney if it came down to it though

"Easy love." I said.
"Rafael I'm fine." Courtney said as I helped her out of the car and got the twins out of the car.
Once we headed inside Courtney really jumped.
"Surprise!" The entire squad, my mother and the twins of course were there.
Courtney went around giving hugs. We both then took each baby out.
"So, you finally gonna tell us their names?" Finn asked.
"Actually yes." Courtney said.
"This one here is Oliver Antonio Barba." Courtney said
"And this little guy is Milo Finn Barba." I said.
"You guys were really trying to keep us in suspense weren't ya?" Finn said.
"Well after everything that has happened, I thought it would be best if the twins had a piece of their god parents names as a part of them. I also want to say thank you to everyone. I know the last few weeks haven't been easy and I really appreciate you all did for me." Courtney said.
"We're family, that's what family does." Nick said.
"Alright enough mushy stuff. Let's celebrate." Finn said.
We celebrated and took pictures. Maybe things were finally looking up for my family.

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