Chapter 16

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Courtney's POV
I was at the hospital getting checked after the Embry incident. Just as the doctor was finishing up checking my blood pressure Rafael came rushing in with both kids on his arms.
"Mommy!" Luca and Lucy said and ran over and hugged me and I flinched.
"Courtney." I heard someone say. I looked up to see Rafael but I just looked away. I couldn't look at him. It hurt to much. I felt like I betrayed him.
"Please, love look at me." Rafael said. I just couldn't though and then then I heard a knock.
I looked up and saw the two female detectives Rafael worked with.
"Hey Courtney, not sure if you remember but I'm Olivia and this is Amanda. Mind if we talk?" Olivia asked. I looked at Rafael and then back at Olivia.
"Yeah. Rafael, Can you take Luca and Lucy to get something to eat." I asked.
"Courtney." Rafael said.
"Please." I begged him.
Rafael sighed and left with Luca and Lucy. Or so I thought. I didn't know that he was standing outside listening.

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