Chapter 20

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I decided to go to the doctors this morning and see what I had to do about the miscarriage. I was heart broken that I had lost my baby and I could tell Rafael was, but he refused to show it. Rafael wanted  to come, but I told him I would be fine and that he should spend some time with Luca and Lucy and he agreed.
Once I arrived at the gynecologist I headed inside and signed in. I bit my lip nervously as I say and waited to be called. It took about 30 minutes until I was called. The nurse checked my blood pressure and other vital organs and then left until the doctor came in 10 minutes later.
"Hello Mrs. Barba." Doctor Nicholas said with a smile.
"Hello." I said softly.
"What brings you in today?" Doctor Nicholas said smiling at me.
"I recently had a miscarriage due to a traumatic event. What do I have to do?" I asked and started crying.
(Not sure if this is right because I'm not a doctor so I'm just going to make this up)
"I'm so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. You will just have to wait until nine months are up and it will be still born at birth." Doctor Nicholas said sadly.
"Oh." I said crying more.
"But pull your shirt up and we shall see." Doctor Nicolas said.
I pulled up my shirt and she put the familiar gel on my stomach and used her wand thing to look around my stomach.
"Hmm let's see. Interesting."
"What? What is it?" I asked.
"Did you know you were expecting twins?"
"No, I thought I was only having one."
"And who told you you had a miscarriage?"
"The Doctors at Mercy."
"Well if you listen here." A thumping sound filled the room.
"Your babies are just fine. It's a miracle really. They were on top of each other so that's probably why you thought you had miscarried."
"But how are they alive? It's impossible with what I went through." I said frantically.
"I guess someone was watching out for you and your children." Doctor Nicholas said with a smile.
"Yeah maybe." I said still in disbelief.
"Would you like to know the genders?"
"I'd actually like to wait until my husband is here with me. I'd like to discuss it with him." I said.
"Understood. I'll just print these." Doctor Nicholas said and printed the sonogram. I then headed home and once I walked inside I could smell Rafael's Italian cooking and hear the giggles on my children.
I walked into the kitchen to see the twins sitting in their high chairs and Rafael finishing up cooking.
"Hello my love, how did the doctors go?" Rafael said as he hugged me and kissed me which caused the twins to say ew and we both laughed.
"Turns out the Doctor at the hospital was wrong. I didn't have a miscarriage and I found out I'm having twins again Rafael! I don't think we can afford it. Let alone go through with giving birth to twins again I mean we already have Luca and Lucy who are always up to some kind of mischief." I said
"Hey!" Luca said
"Not nice mommy!" Lucy said and pouted with her brother and Rafael and I laughed.
He then put the pasta he made in two plates and gave the kids their dinner. He then made us plates and set them down. We both sat down to join the kids.
"Rafael please say something." I said getting nervous.
Rafael grabbed my hand reassuringly.
"Everything will be fine. I make a pretty good living being an ADA." Rafael said and squeezed my hand then released it and started eating.
"I know, but I just don't know if we can afford another set of twins with just you working. And there's barely enough room here as it is with all four of us." I said.
"We'll figure it out, now for the time being just eat and relax cariño." I sighed and just pushed my plate away.
"I'm not hungry. I'm just going to get a bath and head to bed." I said.
"Mommy okay?" Luca asked and I smiled sweetly and kissed him and his sister on the forehead.
"Yeah, mommy's just tired. I love you both." I said and put my food into a container and put it in the fridge.
"Courtney." Rafael said.
"Please Rafael I just want to go get a bath and head to bed I really don't feel like fighting." I said and headed upstairs and got a bath. Once I was done, I got changed into my pajamas and got into bed and fell asleep worrying about raising not only two kids but four kids now.

(Courtney had a girl and boy the first time around. What should she have? What names do you like? How do you feel about Rafael and her arguing about money and such because of her being pregnant again? Let me know what should happen next!)

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