Chapter 8

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"Embry please stop this!" I yelled in fear as Embry continued to rape me. How did he even get in my apartment?
"Shut up!" Embry yelled and and slammed my head against the head board knocking me out. My last thought was wishing that Rafael was here.

Embry's POV
I smirked as I knocked Courtney out. I ripped her clothes off and had a little fun if you know what I mean. After that I opened a window and snuck out with her and headed to my truck with her. I grabbed some rope and tied her up and taped her mouth shut in case she woke up and tried to scream. Courtney was mine now and we would start our lives together far away. I thought as I drove away.

Rafael's POV
After storming out when Courtney said she was pregnant I headed to the office to work more on this Embry case. We have been searching to see if there is something with this Embry guy, but nothing has come up on him. I was getting extremely frustrated. Why can't we find anything?

"Barba we've got a problem." Liv said

"What is it?" I asked

"A break-in was just reported near your apartment." I then felt my heart stop as soon as those words escaped Olivia's mouth. Not again. Why was my wife being targeted recently. I dropped everything and ran out of the squad room before Liv or anyone else could stop me.

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