Chapter 13

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Barba's POV
"Have we found anything about this Embry character?" I said coming into the office.
"Nothing out of the ordinary. Moved from his home to New York when he was 21. He owns a bookstore in Manhattan, was a middle child and came from a good home." Rollins said.
"So let's think about this. Why would he take Courtney?" Olivia said.
"To get back at me." I said.
"We need more detail Barba. What exactly has Courtney told you about this man?" Olivia asked.
"They used to date. He had a temper and became abusive awhile after they started dating." I said.
"Okay so look into criminal records. Family history of violence. They're has to be something." Olivia said.
The entire team started looking and I just thought about Courtney. I hope she's alright. I can't lose her.
"Barba?" Olivia said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Don't worry. We'll find her." Olivia said.
"I hope so. Excuse me. I'll be in my office if you need me." I said and walked away from the squad room.

Olivia's POV
"Any luck?" I said as I looked at the team.
"Nothing much, seems this Embry character had a good life. Great parents, top of his class, nothing out of the ordinary." Nick said
"Hold on a second. Says here that he was arrested four years ago on domestic abuse, but the charges were dropped by the victim." Finn said.
"Who was the victim?" I asked and Finn turned the computer towards me.
"Barba's wife." Finn said.
"So we've got that they dated and there was a history of violence. Anything else?" I asked.
"Wait. It says here that Embry spent a lot of his time on the reservation, did volunteer work around the reservation. What if he took her there? I mean it's land he's familiar with and he probably thinks no one would look for her there." Finn said.
"Where is he from?" I asked.
"Vineland, NJ." Finn said.
"Let's go. Notify NJ police." I said and ran out with the squad to Vineland. I hoped we weren't too late.

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