Chapter 7

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Rafael's POV
I couldn't think straight. Why did I storm out like that? I was glad that Courtney was pregnant again, but did it have to be now? I mean we're trying to arrest the man who raped my wife. Damn it! I thought. I messed up. I didn't mean to storm out on Courtney, but I can't go back right now. I need to talk to Liv and see where we are on this case. I thought and headed to the precinct.

Embry's POV
You made a mistake Barba. You shouldn't have left Courtney alone. Now she's mine. You really are a fool. By the time you get home Courtney will be mine again. I thought with a smirk. I found her again and I'm not letting her go. Once Barba left I unlocked the door with a pick and snuck inside and hid in the shadows. This was going to be perfect.

Courtney's POV
Once Rafael left the house I could feel the tears starting to run down my face. Why? Why was this happening to us?! This is all my fault. If I hadn't let Embry rape me then maybe Rafael would be happy to be having another child. I wiped my tears and headed into the living room and picked Lucy and Luca up.

"Where we go mommy?" Luca asked.

"You two are going down for a nap. Mommy needs to clean up a bit." I said

"Me no want nap! Me want to play!" Luca said.

"I'll tell you what. If you and your sister go down for a nap for an hour, when you wake up we can go the park and get some ice cream. How does that sound?" I asked Luca.

He tapped his chin as if thinking and grinned.

"Okay, mommy!" Luca said and I set them both down in their toddler bed. I kissed both of their foreheads and turned on their nightlight and then turned the light off. I then shut the door halfway and headed back into the living room to clean up but was stopped as I felt a hand go over my mouth. I tried to scream and struggle but felt something cold against my temple.

"Struggle and I'll shoot." I heard an all too familiar voice say.

Not again. I thought scared as Embry dragged me to Rafael and I's bedroom and pushed me down onto the bed and pinned me down.

"I've missed you Courtney. I can't wait to have some fun again." Embry said with a smirk as I trembled in fear. I wish Rafael was here.

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