Chapter 1

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Rafael's POV
Another day at the office which means another case, I'm sure. I looked at the person laying on the bed still asleep. My beautiful wife. I try so hard to keep her away from the world I work in. I know that may make me sound protective but with how things go at work I have no choice.
"Rafael....what time is it?" I heard Courtney groan tired.
"Go back to sleep cariño." I said and kissed her on her forehead.
I opened the bed room door and then shut it quietly. I checked on Luca and Lucy and then headed out the door. I really hoped that this day would go smoothly, but sadly it never does.
I headed into my office and sat at my desk with a sigh. I was missing my wife and children already.

Courtney's POV
I woke up with a yawn to see it was 9:30. I got up and changed quickly and headed into my kids room to see both of them we're up already.
"Mommy!" Luca said happily where as Lucy was sucking her thumb.
"Shall we get ready for the day you two?" I said with a smile. I take Luca out of his Batman crib and Lucy out of her princess crib. I set them down and each get them an outfit and diaper. Once they were changed I took each of there hands and we headed to the kitchen and I gave them breakfast.
"Mommy where's daddy?" Lucy asked
"He's at work sweetie." I said
"Oh. He be home soon?" Lucy asked
"Soon, but you guys are coming with mommy. We have to do a few things." I said and once we were done breakfast I got the diaper bag and my kids and put them in their child seats.
"Okay first things first. Day care." I said
"What day care mommy?" Luca asked
"Day care is where you play a bunch of games, do crafts, have snacks and make a lot of friends!" I say happily trying to get them excited about it.
"Really?" Luca asked
"Yup!" I say
"Me no want to go!" Lucy said
"It's only for a few hours baby girl" I said and pulled up to the daycare that I signed both of the kids up at.
I walked in and greeted the receptionist.
"Hi my kids are starting their first day here. This is Luca and Lucy." I said
Luca grinned with a big smile and waved where as Lucy hid behind me shyly.
"Sorry Lucy is a little shy." I said
"It's fine. Just sign them in here" the lady said.
I signed them in and she showed us to their room.
"Here we are room 8. I'm Miss Susie by the way."
"Courtney" I say and then walk into the classroom with Luca and Lucy.
"Well here you are you two. And here." I say handing each of them their favorite toy so they would be a little more comfortable.
"Bye mommy! Love you!" Luca said and hugged me and I kissed his cheek and he ran off to play. Lucy on the other hand clung to me.
"No go mommy! Stay wif me!" Lucy cried
"It's only for a little bit Lucy." I said trying to get Lucy off but it wasn't working.
"Hi. Need some help?" A lady asked
"Yes please. This is Lucia but we call her Lucy. I'm Courtney." I said
"Well it's nice to meet you I'm Miss Riley. I'm the head teacher for this room."
"Hi Lucy. I like your toy." Miss Riley said getting to Lucy's level.
"My daddy got it for me." Lucy said shyly.
"We'll it's very nice how about we go draw a picture for your mommy and daddy." Miss Riley said.
"Okay." Lucy said sniffling and wiped her eyes. I kissed her cheek and she took Miss Riley's hand. Before they walked off I stopped her.
"Call me if there is any problems and you have their allergy sheet right?" I asked her.
"Yes." Miss Riley said and walked off with Lucy and I took that as my cue to leave and do my errands and what I need to do. I worked my shift at the music store a few blocks down and then went to get my kids after the day. I just hope I make it home before Rafael seeing as he doesn't know I got a part time job and put the kids in daycare.

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